Can I just upload my Google Play version to Galaxy Store

Hi Krammig,

Welcome to the Samsung Developer forum!

To get started in Galaxy Store, you need to do the following:

  1. Sign up for a Samsung account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Register with Seller Portal.
  3. Apply for commercial seller status. Even if your app is free, all Android app publishers must have commercial seller status. The preferred way is to apply using a DUNS number. If you cannot get a DUNS number in your country, you can submit business registration documents.
  4. Review APK package naming and billing guidelines. Please note that .aab files are also supported.
  5. Register your app in Seller Portal.
  6. Review the App Distribution Guide, Intellectual Property Infringement Checklist, and Galaxy Self-Check List.
  7. Set a publication date.

You can find more information here: Get Started in Galaxy Store

In response to your questions:

a) Both APK and AAB files are supported. See

b) See step 4 above.