Change Hour Format

Hello. I’m trying to figure out how to introduce a command that converts the digital time from the 24 hour format to a 12 hour format. Without integrating several levels. Any ideas?

Hello, I am not sure what are you trying to do. The switch between time formats is meant to automatically follow the settings on connected phone. Do you want to “bypass” this and make some kind of independent setting?

For me, Switching between time formats does not work. Even at the default watch faces.

I would like to switch between 12 and 24 hour format manually with a single tap.
But I can’t even find the Tag for the automatic switch depending on the system settings.

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I guess WFS does not provide option for format switch by tap, but if you add two layers of digital clock element, each in one format (one with [HOUR_1_12], other with [HOUR_0_23]. Then make these appear/disappear with either condition line or with tag expression like [IS_24H]*100 and (1-[IS_24H])*100 for format in opacity field of these layers.

Thank you very much. I will try this. Otherwise I try to adjust the time to the device settings. When I find the tags for it😀

Somehow I can’t do it.
Can someone tell me, how I create the digital time, so that it automatically adapts to the phone settings?
12h/24h ?

@thorstenis14 Check this example file just rename it to .wfs and open it in your WFS. (861.3 KB)

Which file? I extrated the zip file.
What I see is a folder called “res” whith several files.

Do not extract files. WFS saves the watchface projects in zipped packages with own extension. Just rename it from to example.wfs

Thank you, Peter. Now I can open the file.