Circular Month Images Not Visible

Hi, I want to show circular month names on the watch face I designed, but the months that appear in WFS do not appear on my watch. The WFS version I use is 1.7.13.

The method I follow:
1- Create text
2- Use the [MON_S] or [MON_F] tag. I tried both.
3- From the Other tab in the Bitmap Font settings, I load the 450x450 month images that I prepared. I set the image size as Default Font size.
While everything is normal on WFS, the circular months do not appear on the watch face transferred to the watch.

In addition, I tried changing the language settings to English_UK and it did not work, I tried Bitmap font size instead of Default Font size and it did not work. In short, I could not show the months on the watch face despite trying everything. I would like to thank those who can help me with this in advance.

WFS Screenshot:

Bitmap Settings SS:

Face On Watch:

Hello, it is only my guess, but to make sure, add one text field with default font to show what strings are the used tags returning. Could be the localizted version wont work with your expected bitmap font presets.
I would suggest using another tag for month numbers instead text string to make it universal.


Just match the numbers.
for example
1=January image, 2=February image…

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Change the tag for months it should be months in numbers.