Complications, part2


I recently bought a galaxy watch7. Loving it, except i didnt realise they removed the true wireless charging capability (powershare). Oh well, i can live with it. One thing i dont like though, is that Watch Face Studio doesnt let me add more than 8 complications. I do not use AOD and would like a lot of small complications on my watchface, or at the very least a tile (on the right) that shows more complications.

Someone mentioned to me that watchmaker allows more than 8 complications, but I heard it doesnt work at the moment with the watch7? As for the tile with complications, dont I need to make a fully fledged app, with all the required data points built in? Or can i develop an (or download a premade) app that has a tile with just empty complications? Do tiles even support the same sort of complication system as the watch face?

Last question:
Is there a way to move the location of the tray icons on the watchface (e.g. phone disconnect symbol, charging symbol)?
How about the bottom: media icon?
Are there any other icons that appear at the bottom rather than the top? Is this customisable? How about the left and right sides?

Thank you!

Complications are only for watchfaces.

A watchface can’t move operating system icons around.

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