Custom Watch Faces

I have created a few custom watch faces for my Galaxy Watch 3. I have uploaded 2 of the faces to the watch using GWD. When I upload a 3rd face, it replaces one of the two that are on the watch. My question: Can more than 2 custom faces be uploaded to my watch (i.e. having 3 or 4 faces to change between). Thanks in advance.

For each new face, the Package ID (under Build) must be different, otherwise they overlay.

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How do I get the build to show after it has been built? I select build for my watch face, it shows 3rd party API confirmation and then nothing. Thanks again.

I think you are selecting Edit ā†’ Preferences and that API is for the Weather API
Select the Project menu ā†’ Build and the first fill in is the Package ID by default it is com.watchface. and the name of your project
That needs to be different, not just the Version number.

There is a limit to the number of custom watch faces based on the memory of the watch but it is pretty high, Iā€™m guessing over 25.

If you update from GWD to GWS download the older version 2.0.0 not the 2.0.1 version as it has major issues that were never resolved.

Samsung Developer Relations