Day Week short (german version) does not work correctly

The day week function in german “([DAY_WEEK_S])” is not working correctly.
It shows this, for example if it is Friday in Germany: Fr.
As you can see is shows Fr with a point. I don’t will have a point I will have Fr only.
Half a year before I told about it. Samsung says it will be fixed in Dec 2023.
Now, december is over and there is still no newer version available
After that long time, when will it be fixed?

the abbreviations are inconsistent trough various languages for years and I doubt they will unify them anytime soon. Since Samsung merged their watches with wear OS, they will tell you excuses, that it would be task for Google to correct the way their system returns the localized abbreviations. Never ending story.
It would be faster for you to find a “workaround” than to wait for them to dive into this.

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