Distribution Certificate

All my faces need putting back onto my watch, but fro some reason it looks like the certificate is out of date, so I tried to generate another but it Wont generate distribution certificate?? How long does this take?

I am assuming you can connect to the device successfully. If not we can help with that.

Most frequent problem generating a new Distributor Certificate, is on Windows 7? If you are using that you need to update the Internet Explorer to the 64 bit version it adds a .dll that the store uses to generate a certificate.

If you are using Galaxy Watch Designer on Windows 10 this is generally not an expired distributor certificate error but a misleading error message. Check to make sure your Watch and computer are the same time. That can cause an error.
If this is a Tizen Studio error it can be out of date.
Here is a link for the Tizen Studio extension fix.

more details will help

Samsung Developer Program