Does watchfaces created by Watch Face Studio run on non-Samsung wearOS devices?

I just uploaded a watchface to Playstore by GalaxyWatchStudioConverter app, and noticed that the watchface just support 2 devices from samsung.

Does watchfaces created by Watch Face Studio run on non-Samsung wearOS devices?

He asked me the same thing … can the other watches use the application or only the Samsung with wear os? in that case it would not make sense to register and “pay” to upload to the Google store if the converted will only run on galaxy 4

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Watch face studio guides

Now I understand WFS watchface run on other manufacturer devices.

But how about Converter project from old Galaxy Watch Studio?
I just uploaded a watchface to Playstore by GalaxyWatchStudioConverter app, and noticed that the watchface just support 2 devices from samsung.

Galaxy Watch Face Converter FAQ 1
The converted watch faces are compatible with Galaxy Watches with Wear OS Powered by Samsung, including the Galaxy Watch 4.

Read the Play Store wearable distribution information HERE

And I think there is only one other wearable available for the new Unified Wear OS.

Samsung Developer Relations

to remove a bit of the thick fog around this issue …speaking clearly, “only Samsung watches with Wear OS will be compatible with the faces converted from GWD” … I understood correctly?

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The Converter does not support older versions of WearOS.

Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 and Classic will be first Wear 3 smartwatches

Samsung Developer Relations

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I decided to not use any conversion as I found that i only get 2 devices now im getting 24 devices when I make a project.

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Does Galaxy Watch 4 get health data from Samsung Health? And are app IDs the same on all Wear OS watches?
I manually turned off all other watches and left only Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 on Play Console. Not sure it will work fine without SHealth or with different app IDs.

No it only accesses WearOS health factors

They should be but this is a question to ask on Android Developers Forums

Samsung Developer Relations

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