Failing to get smart TV current state

Hi there,

I’m trying to find details about TCP/HTTP API to read out the current state of my Samsung The Frame 2022 TV, but I can’t find any documentation on the API to do such things.

In a second phase I would also be interested in enabling the art mode through the API, cause the auto enable functionality isn’t really great. With the motion sensors in my house, I think I could do a lot better for this purpose.

I’ve tried to get the sate via curl but that’s not really working. On 8080 I get an unauthorized response. On all other ports that I’ve tried I get a connection failure.

Thanks for helping me

You need to ask this in the Smart TV Seller Office Q/A They should help you there. I don’t know if the Frame requires special partnership for developers or not.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,

Are you sure the link is right? Just points to a Q&A and not really to a place where I can ask questions…



The layout for Seller Office Q/A is “weird” and it doesn’t let me put direct links to the generalized Q/A’s So I just picked something that shows the parent directory. I think I picked the installer Q/A link,

You have to expand the Web Applications Q/A or Net Applications Q/A and there are various types of questions. Select the one most relevant to yours.

Samsung Developer Relations

did you manage to get any documentation of the APIs?

What specifically are you looking for? You may have to TV | Tizen Developers for them.

Samsung Developer Relations

I’m looking for documentation on how to upload images to the art gallery

I think you need to contact a Samsung Business Developer I’ll send you a private message about this.

The Frame Art is different than the Smart TV Seller Office.

Samsung Developer Relations