I’m trying to find details about TCP/HTTP API to read out the current state of my Samsung The Frame 2022 TV, but I can’t find any documentation on the API to do such things.
In a second phase I would also be interested in enabling the art mode through the API, cause the auto enable functionality isn’t really great. With the motion sensors in my house, I think I could do a lot better for this purpose.
I’ve tried to get the sate via curl but that’s not really working. On 8080 I get an unauthorized response. On all other ports that I’ve tried I get a connection failure.
You need to ask this in the Smart TV Seller Office Q/A They should help you there. I don’t know if the Frame requires special partnership for developers or not.
The layout for Seller Office Q/A is “weird” and it doesn’t let me put direct links to the generalized Q/A’s So I just picked something that shows the parent directory. I think I picked the installer Q/A link,
You have to expand the Web Applications Q/A or Net Applications Q/A and there are various types of questions. Select the one most relevant to yours.