First TV app - problems installing/uploading to TV in Developer Mode

Hello, I’m stumped on getting an app created as a Basic TV template (TV-samsung 5.5), created in a Windows version of Tizen Studio 3.7, to install on my Samsung TV, which is in Developer Mode and I’ve created a Samsung Cert. I can also connect to in Device Manager

. My TV uses tv-4.0 - does that matter if the template is TV-samsung 5.5?

The TV is selected in the device pull-down. When I right-click on the project and select Run-As-> Tizen Web Application, I get

The log file under Tizen-studio-data/ide/logs says
[2020.09.15 17:13:36][ERROR] - Return Code:1010)Tizen Web Application install failed.

What is return code 1010?

Is there a permission I’m missing?



I found the solution.

I kept looking around in Device Manager and stumbled across a step that I had not read about before or that I have not seen discussed in any YouTube videos on installing apps in the TV.

So, even though I created a Samsung Cert from the Tizen Studio menu, the Device Manager apparently did not recognize it.

I right-clicked in Device Manager on the specific target device and saw “Permit to install applications”.

If that is selected, even if you have an active Samsung Cert, you’ll see


As instructed, click on “Go to the Certificate Manager” and create a new cert. I didn’t bother with trying to use the existing cert, since it wasn’t recognized. In fact, I deleted the existing cert and created a new one. After creation, returning to the dialog box, select the “Retry” button and you should see


Given that the Device Manager has the cert registered in it’s workspace (is that a bug, that it only sees the cert when registered here?), the app installs (last message on the console is [Run Mode] and the app displays on the TV.

Hope this helps someone else.

I’ve seen this issue when someone has both a Tizen distrbutor Certifivate and a Samsung Tizen Distributor certificate in the same profile. Could that have been your issue.

It also could be that your TV was recently updated and that often requires a new Developer Certificate.

I’m pleased that you found the solution and hopefully help others.

Samsung Developer Program