Google ! CRAZY ! APPS Approved, Live, Installed, SUSPENDED now

Google !!! CRAZiness !!! APPS Approved, Live, Installed, SUSPENDED now

Hi @Jakia.Sultana
I have uploaded one watch face app on 15 March 2024. The app was approved by google team and LIVE. User already purchased it and installed on their device.
After 3 months yesterday SUDDENLY google suspended it !!!

This is most craziest things i have faced with google now. There are a lot of craziest thing we are facing as a developer with them. Can you please advise your team to do a meeting with GOOGLE TEAM about all the problems - as you are under a big company and also importantly your WATCH FACE STUDIO platform accepted by google for development of watch face app.

One more request, please advise the concern team who are developing WFS to update the software regularly to align with google requirement - specially API issue (including companion app itself issue).
Thanks for your involment.
Also thanks in advance - as we will get new version of WFS by this month, instead of next month.

What reason did they give you for suspending the app?

they sent one screen shot of my companion app, which is not similar EXACTLY with watch face app. due to this suspended after 4 months of Live and installed!!

Google has a history of suspending apps and it takes forever trying to figure out why. Usually though they send a warning email before. I always have to email their support to try and get an answer as to the whys.

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Google has been making big messes with their bots lately…

Developers who have their accounts terminated for no apparent reason.

Google should be a serious company and provide comprehensive answers and not leave us at the mercy of bots.


I asked someone from Google about account terminations. While they don’t work directly with the Play team and can’t comment on any particular case, they did mention that they are aware of these instances and are working on improvements :person_shrugging: