Google play wear os companion app

remove the previous build of the watch face in the Phones, Tablet category. That’s probably the issue.

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Yes, this could fix the issue, but since the build is published, i didn’t find a way to delete or unpublish it. Am I missing something?

There should be a trash icon there. Or upload a new companion app there and don’t include the previous watch face file. Last option is unpublish it, rename it and then create another app.

It’s a released app and there’s no trash icon anywhere. If you read the previous messages, I’ve already tried all the solutions except publishing a new watchface to replace this, because that’s unacceptable. My only hope is the Google support at this point.

Sorry for the trash icon, I mean Include option. When you upload a new version of companion app in that category, you will have an option below to include or not include the old watch face file or even the old companion app. Anyway I hope you find support with Google.

Maybe, try creating ‘Empty’ release in the problematic track. Create new release but don’t add any new and also don’t include older aabs. Then create another release and add companion app.

is there a “Companion app build for dummies” I am reasonably new & just cannot get it to work. If I could get a basic companion app, I would be able to build on it from there! I have SO many complaints from people saying that the “app is not compatible with their phone” and it turns them away! Please help!!

Somewhere along this thread, there is. Read through.

I’m not IT savvy, but I suspect Companion Apps will become redundant after August this year when Google Play uses a separate track for Wear OS. Provided also WFS is upgraded for apps API Level 30 and above.

This also means those who have WF with API 28 in their console, have until August to migrate their work to Wear OS only track and then update their apps with API 30. This is good news, now everyone’s work will be visible (without a companion app). I think.

All we need is, a fully tested and bug free WFS 1.5.00 :grin:

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Hi may I check please, since the companion app will be tracked separately from WearOS, I don’t need to rebuild and reupload a new version of WF .aab is that correct? Just need to create new production release under phone and upload companion .aab? Does it also mean I can ignore the increment on the version code?

My WF app is already live in production without companion app. In the process of creating one now. hence appreciate your replies. Thanks!

Correct, you don’t need to reupload/rebuild the watchface to release a companion app.

Yes, but the companion app must have the same package id as the watchface.

I don’t know, I always increment… just in case, to prevent, increment, wont make a difference…

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IF you are only updating the companion app. There is no need to upload watchface update as well. AND vice Versa. Since now both have seperate tracks all you need is to push update of 1 .

With wear os and companion app tracks seperated i recently updated a watchface aab bundle only. And since tracks are separate i didnot have to include or update companion app.

Similarly if you are only updating companion app. Just update the companion app in its proper track thats it. No need to update watchface aab bundle.

BUT if you want to update both. Then upload each bundle in its right category not combining them when uploading like we previously did.

there is no harm in updating both but in their right tracks.


Hi Dect and Osman, thanks for your replies. Spent lots of hours reading this thread and all others and felt like I’ve known you guys for so long :slight_smile:

As per update, I’ve finally completed the companion app using the code Osman shared (thanks again) tested and working locally. Submitted it for review too, just waiting now and hope all goes well so that will be ready for the next challenge/s.


So, it looks like you don’t need that companion app anymore. You can find and use the watch face directly on your phone without it. Is that the case?

Technically they aren’t companion apps but a bundled Android app since it does not interact with your watch. Having said that, it apparently is the best way to get your watch face found from the mobile play store and you can add information about how to download and install the watch faces. It also lets you create a seller page with all your products listed under your brand and that is a big deal.

But yes if you go to Play Store from the Mobile app it has a menu for Other Devices and that lists watch faces.

Samsung Developer Relations

I have already uploaded over 30 watch faces to the Play Store, all with this ‘companion app’ because of the reasons you mentioned. But my latest watch face (CRC071) is visible on the developer page on the phone without having to select ‘other devices.’ So something has changed. This was not possible before.

You are right, something changed !!

The CRC071 didn’t come up on a search but it was on your brand page. A search for the CRC041 and it has INSTALL it pops up a list of all my devices my tablet is blanked out but my GW5 and GW6 and my Flip5 all have selection boxes.

Nice looking watch.

Can you create a new Topic I think others will like knowing this but it is lost in this topic.

Because a problem with the Forum Software you can’t create a new topic in the category. You have to create it in the Forum Home and then select the category for it.

If you can do that I think others will enjoy the good news.


Samsung Developer Relations

Could you do it please? Not much time at the moment… Thanks!

Hi, I may be wrong to post this here as I am unable to create new topic for some reason, and after reading this thread, there is some issue with the discoverability of the watch face without the companion app, but does it also prevent you from installing the watchface on your wear os device?

I had created a watchface with the studio, and it shows incompatible to all the devices including any wear os devices (I assume the users used android to open the link in play store),

Even weirder thing is that when I exported the apk from watch face studio, and gave it to the users to sideload, they were unable to install it, so somehow the apk is also corrupted/non functional

I had used the beta version of wf studio to make the face and uploaded it only to wearOS track with policies checked, how do I troubleshoot it (I do not have a companion app yet)

Hi, I may be wrong to post this here as I am unable to create new topic for some reason

For some reason you can only create a new topic from the Forum Home and need to change the category. This is my fault for not researching the issue I was hoping Discourse would just fix it.

there is some issue with the discoverability of the watch face without the companion app, but does it also prevent you from installing the watchface on your wear os device?

The issue is when it is downloaded it is put in the app tray but not installed on the watch or in the favorites. This is how Android works for all apps when you download them it puts them in the app tray. However, with the mobile apps it asks if you want to run them. The watch faces do not ask that.

I had created a watchface with the studio, and it shows incompatible to all the devices including any wear os devices

You need to have a watch associated with Play Store for it to appear open the Play Store app on your watch (or probably from the Wear App) to register it. On your computer or mobile you can open and under your profile it will list all the devices associated with your account.

Even weirder thing is that when I exported the apk from watch face studio, and gave it to the users to sideload, they were unable to install it, so somehow the apk is also corrupted/non functional

In order to sideload an app you need a distributor certificate that associates your computer with the device. You also need an Author certificate but that is not associated with a device only the developer. For Wear you create them in the Keystore

I had used the beta version of wf studio to make the face and uploaded it only to wearOS track with policies checked, how do I troubleshoot it (I do not have a companion app yet)

The companion app has two benefits one is that it allows you to have a brand page that lists all your apps that is highly beneficial to sellers.
The other
It appears that Android Apps propagate and are visible quite soon after being approved. But for Watch apps they seem to take days after being approved before propagate in the system and are visible in searches from a mobile device (they are in the computer store). And that makes designers feel better when they can see the content quickly and not worry if they did something wrong.

Check and see if your watch face is searchable there as a watch face.

Again after downloading you have to open the wear app and scroll down to the bottom where it says downloads and click on it to install on the watch.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hello! Is it still relevant to use a companion app for your Google Play page? I’m very interested in your opinion.

Having recently read the messages in this thread, I realized that the store developers have changed their policy regarding the display of new watch faces created by developers. But I tried to install my new watch face after it appeared in the store on my smartphone and I couldn’t install it on my watch. It was written “check the network connection on the device.” Everything was fine for me, but I still couldn’t install the dial.

Has anyone had similar problems with installation in the near future?

As a result, with your help (many thanks to everyone), I created my own companion application for my watch faces and I’m wondering whether it will now be superfluous for my page in the Play Store!