Has anyone not received their payment from Samsung for April yet?

Normally it is in a couple of days before the end of the month, but so far nothing.

I have logged a ticket with Samsung, was just wondering if anyone else have not yet received payment.

Thank you.


Same thing in my account.

Same thing in my account.

Same thing in my account.

Same thing in my account.

Their Terms of Service, Exhibit 1 states that payment will be made by end of month… i asked if they will oay interest since they are not meeting their TOS :grin:

Me too, what happens on Samsung? Just send ticket yesterday

Paypal payments finally sent…

But they owe us for late payments

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Yes, I just got mine along with this month financial report, which came negative?! Is it just mine?

My financial report is extremely low…

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If you have questions about your financial report, please contact the Seller Portal team: from Seller Portal, click Help > Contact us, then click Contact us at the Customer Center (near the bottom of the page). If a pop-up with “Did you mean samsung.com?” appears, close the pop-up.

Check your April financial reports… Samsung is taking back partial sales from back to 2019 (for me) which makes no sense to me.

My share of payment for one theme back then was 77c but they just took back 10c of that, four years later.

Their Terms and Conditions state that Samsung will attempt to collect bad debts for no more than 6 months so why go back FIVE years?

And they took back money from 281 themes sold in South Africa!!!

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It must be an error on their system (I hope so)… I haven’t checked in details yet, but on the email listing (financial report) the negative values comes from South Africa as well…
If anyone get any news, pls inform here, thx

The email is useless, download the Excel spreadsheet version from the portal, it lists every individual sale, and refund.

Samsung responded that they sent the payment on the last day of April, but there could be a delay in processing for international transactions.

Sorry Samsung, PayPal transactions are immediate.

I’ll open another ticket because they now need to prove to me that the transaction was initiated before May 1st.

Regardless, payment was not received timely per their Terms and Conditions.

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