Help with Google Play

I have a problem with Google Play and I would like some help. I uploaded a watch face (the first one), I declared only wear os, but unfortunately it is only accessible for purchase from the watch or from the browser, not being accessible from the phone or tablet, where did I go wrong?

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That’s normal, unfortunately. For the watchface to show up on phone/tablet you will need a companion app for each watchface.

So can anyone help me with advice? I have not seen any additional application from the other manufacturers of watch faces, and yet the watch faces are accessible both on the phone and on the tablet.

Unlike a mobile app, it takes several days for the Watch Faces to propagate out.

Also go to and under your account click on library and devices see if your watch is listed and you have the same google account on your mobile.

Use the Wear App to open the store from your mobile and search that should register your watch if it isn’t already listed.

Finally there is a similar report from others about the Watch Tag not showing and watches not being available that I think was recently somewhat fixed. See this thread. That may still be affecting your watch face being visible.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks for the answer, but it’s not useful to me. I read that topic before asking here. My problem is that when someone wants to buy a watch face, they can’t do it from the phone and the reason seems to be the one illustrated below:


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other producers

For me, only the watch is active, not the phone, so it can’t make the payment, at least that’s how I received the complaint.

What’s the name of your Watch Face? Let me see if I can see or purchase it.

Samsung Developer Relations

Oh and the ones with a Phone showing, created a bundled Android app (which basically is something that tells people how to purchase the watch app). I think it is not the right thing to do but it is the only way you can create a Brand Page for your watch faces at this time.

Samsung Developer Relations

This is the link, because if you search for it by name, it is not displayed; ar this is quite an upsetting thing even if I have been present in the store for a short time.

No problems for me. Search by name worked.

My guess is that it hasn’t propagated out or the buyer hasn’t registered his watch on Play Store from Mobile. Suggest they use the Galaxy Wearable App or the Watch Play Store app one time to connect and register his device.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks for the clarifications and the time, you gave me good news :slight_smile: