Hello good programmers, I have what is a seller account, however I wanted to know how I can be enabled for 2017+ versions on Samsung TV, some help please.
Hi EasyCode,
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What happens is that I already have an application in the application store, however it is only for 2020+ but I want to incorporate it for 2017+ so that my clients also get the application, how could it be done in those cases, since I have Contacted my CM but he refuses to let me know about it.
Does any of the documentation in the specifications area of the developer portal help? For example, TV Model Groups lists the recommended SDK to use for Smart TV product year.
Yes, I meet all those expectations, but they still don’t want to enable me for 2017+ models, however now I only use USB mode, but it is uncomfortable since they have to be updated every month.
Can you submit a request through the 1:1 Q&A since your CM is not responding? Also, perhaps someone in this forum has some experience with this that they can share with you.
My CM answered me and told me that he does not want to give me the authorization and I have asked the 1:1 Q&A but they told me that I have to talk to my CM, I have asked other CM emails to give me that help but I do not see answers or is it that They are ignoring me.
have your same issue , have you got this solved ?