I am building it and choosing upload but when i get to my storefront, there is nothing there. No indication on how to upload.
I’m sorry but this doesn’t help. I am a beginner and need a solid, step-by-step guide. I’ve visited the android website and their instructions don’t even work.
I need answers like,
what are my options for publishing faces made in Studio?
Out of those option, what is needed to set up and make them work.
It seems like all the information out there is fragmented. If you’re already a developer, I imagine its easier, but there has to be a step-by-step guide out there somewhere.
These are all the links I have where others have questions and solutions
Store Settings for release
Meta Data https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9898842
Privacy Policy
Showcase Preview Assets https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/9866151
screen shot
Companion App
Maybe one of them has better details.
Samsung Developer Relations
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