I guess, switch is the phone settings, which are automatically applied to watch too.
I cant verify it, do not have wear OS watch.
I thought so, there is no way to make a button that switches between the two?
I am not sure. This is one of the notorious questions, but I do not see a way with current state of things. We asked for a user defined tags/variables, but in times of GWS the request was declined with excuse, that GWS was meant to be for designers, not developers. On other hand, such feature would make the WFS extremely powerful.
I see, well switching the system format did change on the watch also.
Thanks for your insight.
in watchface studio i want one graphic to display 1 graphic if the watch is set to 12 hr time but if the watch is set to 24 hour time, i want to display 1 graphic from 0001 to 1200 then another from 1201 to 2359.
i have this tag for the 12 hour graphic ${is24H} == 0
I have these tags for the 2 24 hour graphic
${is24H} == 1 && #Dh# <= 12
${is24H} == 1 && #Dh# > 12
But I am unsure where to set the tag? I cannot set it in the Opacity percentage, as it doesnât give me a tag option.
I tried to set it in the colour tag section & changing the percentage to 0 but it just doesnât work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My aim is to have a 12 hour index for the whole day if a user selects 12 hr on watch/phone
and a 12 hour index between 0000 and 1200 (forenoon) then another 24 hour index from 1200 to 2359.
Hence having 2, 24hr tags.