How to fix my play listing icon? Please help

Hi I sent an update for Sdk target 33 and and I got a Violation for play listing icon all of a sudden? When I released the watchface they said nothing and now they say I am violating the guidelines.

I sent an appeal for it and Google play just sent a bot response. Please tell me how do I fix this?

This is what I got :
Wear App Quality Guidelines: Play listing icon
Your app does not use the Google Play icon design specifications for creating app icons.
Your app icon contains texts or graphics (including device frames) that are not part of the watch face experience.

With a link to this Google Play simgesi tasarım özellikleri  |  Android Developers

I misread the issue. I don’t think what I wrote will help you. Maybe your description/images don’t match your actual watch face?

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How does your play listing icon look like? I usually use the icon option within WFS and then I remove the transparent background by filling it with black so the result is a 512 x 512 px square

It’s a png with transparent sides and the middle ( the circle from wfs) is filled with the actual image

Try it with no transparency at all

U mean all black sides?Does it actually work? I thought we were supposed add png with background as nothing?

@John4723, the link you included in your post has some text that says:

If possible, pick a background color for your asset that’s appropriate for your brand and doesn’t include any transparency. Transparent assets will display the background color of Google Play UI.

It sounds like you’ve left part of the image transparent, which Google does not seem to want us to do. hirnverbrandt said they use a black background fill color and I have chosen to use a grey color, so as not to blend in with the light or dark mode UI colors in Google Play. I believe all you need to do is choose a color you want to use as a background color and fill any transparent spots with that color.

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i am using black background with 512x512 px as below image for app icon as png files

If you follow same, hope no issues.