I ask for the user's help they just don't see our watchface

Hello, Samsung Support!

We recently updated our “:v:Okey Carbon Moon 8 colors” (Content ID : 000005709299) watchface ([edit: broken auto-link to https://galaxy.store/carbonte has been removed]) and some devices cannot see the watchface in a Store. And even if you try to find it by searching by the name – you cannot find it.

For example, this device: Xiaomi Mi 9
Galaxy Active 2.
In preparation for publication, we have chosen availability on all devices except the Gear S2.

This has a huge impact on users who are unhappy.

P.S. If you open the watchface by the link, then it becomes visible in the browser, but show a label about the unavailability of the watchface on this device.
we found out that the problem persists only on devices where there is no galaxy store app and only galaxy wearable is installed.
Эту проблему заметили наши пользователи на этих устройствах:
Galaxy active 2, with poco f3
Watch Active 2 (smr820)Xiaomi Mi9
Samsung Watch Active 2 OnePlus 7T
Galaxy Watch 3 Google Pixel 5

I moved this to the seller portal and will try to get an answer from my contacts as well.

Samsung Developer Relations

The Store Operations team checked and you do not have
Others_fHD - Galaxy Watch Active
Others_fHD - Galaxy Watch Active 2

They are going to look into it further as it appears you have all “Others” selected and I think the only option is “Others”


there is also no watchface on the Galaxy Watch 3 if they are connected to another device(no samsung).
Other sellers found a similar problem.
It is possible that the item Devices other than Samsung (Android) does not work correctly.

Do the buyers already own the Watch app? Can the buyers see other for sale items?

Samsung Developer Program

Users see all the watchface except the updated Okey carbon, before the update it was displayed.

There are other sellers reporting this same issue. I’m investigating to see if it is a seller portal issue or the Gear Wearable App issue.

Samsung Developer Relations.

Hi Kas,

They found a bug in the seller portal, it should be fixed now.

Samsung Developer Relations.