Is on-boot working on TV emulator or RPi?

I tried many ways but still haven’t figured out. The service app is not just starting on-boot on both emulator and RPi 4. Can someone confirm that’s only working on a real physical commercial Smart TV?


You can check the limitations of the Emulator from this Link?

Did you try the Remote Test Lab

Samsung Developer Relations

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Hi Ron,

The limitation list doesn’t explicitly mention on-boot as limitation, unfortunately. But I could assume it is, could I? The remote test lab seems interesting to me. Thank you. If you know if on-boot is limitation on emulator and also RPi image, please help me confirm, so that I can rule out the issue. I am worried that on-boot only works on some devices, instead of on all Tizen TVs. I will try on remote test lab too.

Thank you.


If the RTL doesn’t work then open a Developer Support Request they may be able to help you.

Samsung Developer Relations