NEW error message on Play Console when updating watch face

Hi All,

Today I was trying for the umpteenth time to update a watch face with WFS 1.4.20.

This is a simple upgrade file from WFS 1.3 to WFS 1.4.2

While I was uploading the .AAB file, builded with WFS 1.4.2, I got this error message:

An error occurred while running the bundletool build-apks command on the loaded bundle app. Make sure the app bundle is valid by running the command bundletool build-apks locally and try again

Error: All modules with native libraries must support the same set of ABIs, but module ā€˜baseā€™ supports ā€˜[ARMEABI_V7A, X86_64, ARM64_V8A, X86]ā€™ and module ā€˜runtimeā€™ supports ā€˜[ARM64_V8A, ARMEABI_V7A, ARMEABI, X86, X86_64]ā€™.

Has anyone received the same error?

Is this a Google problem or what?

This is the first time this happens to meā€¦ Iā€™ve been trying to send updates (for weeks) for the ā€œmemory budgetā€ issue but today I also found this news.

@sinjae @r.liechty_SDR

Thank you.

very strange. I have updated 10 watch faces in the last few days. From version 1.3. to version 1.4.2 without error messages.

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This morning (in EU) I sent a new Watch face and I didnā€™t get this issue. This new error appeared while updating an existing watch face 2 hours ago.


I tried to upgrade another watch face, still from WFS 1.3 to WFS 1.4.20 and I still get the same error on Play Console.


How old is the watch faces you wish to update? WFS changed Androidx version after the initial release (Iā€™m not sure when but at least 6 months) so that may be the error if those are older versions.

Try updating them to 1.3.x if they werenā€™t already. That is all I can think of



Hi Ron,

Thank you for your answer.

These are watch faces already created with WFS 1.3, about 2 months ago.

BTW, I tried to send an update also with a third watch face (built with WFS 1.3 two months ago), but i still get the same error.

It was a shotā€¦ My only other thought is there was some support for the API 28 in your older version but Iā€™d think that would be a different error message.

If google play canā€™t give you a better answer in the next couple days let me know.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Why did the error say .apk? Did you build the watch face and choose both .aab and .apk output or only .aab?


Only .aab, as I always did until yesterday.

I tried to create the build with AAB+APK as well, but on Play Console I can only upload the .AAB fileā€¦ Anyway, I get the same error.

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This discussion at Stackoverflow might be useful:

android - Submitting update to existing app on Google Play Store: "An error occurred while running bundletool build-apks" - Stack Overflow.


Yes, I had already seen that post but I didnā€™t find a solution.

Have you tried to update a watch face created with WFS 1.4.2 on Play Console since yesterday?

What I mean is that until the day before yesterday, I didnā€™t have these issues.

Same error here, maybe again something with signatures?


No, I have not updated my WFS 1.3 watch faces with WFS 1.4 I only submitted new watch faces with WFS 1.4.

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Ok, so Iā€™m not the only one having this problem.

I just tried again, and I still get the same error message.

If, on the other hand, I update a watch face only with WFS 1.3, no problem on the Play Console.

I think this issue should be fixed quickly because currently (since yesterday) it is not possible to send .AAB files on Play Console as an upgrade from WFS 1.4.2.

I created a watchface with WFS 1.4.2 and submitted today. I had no error message when uploading the AAB file.


The issue is shown when you ā€œupdateā€ a watch face from WFS 1.3.

I also tried a few minutes ago, same error.

If you can verify, try to do a test:

Upgrade a watch face previously created with WFS 1.3.x to WFS 1.4.20.
Build the .AAB file and try uploading it to Play Console. This error will be shown (no problem until 3 days ago).

Issue is here also when you try to upload completely new ABB.
Iā€™ve just tried with completely new app. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


WOW. This is new to me!

So there is something wrong with Play Console. :expressionless:

I wonder why @SGWatchDesign didnā€™t get this errorā€¦ :expressionless:

It reminds me of the issue of two years ago when there were half accounts that ticked the ā€œactiveā€ flag on the watch faces and were not validated ā€¦

I donā€™t know it. I have not received any error message today with a new WF with 1.4.2 or in the last few days an update from 1.3.x to 1.4.2

Today I test an update from 1.3.x to 1.4.2 and give information

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@amoledwatchfaces @SGWatchDesign

I figured out where the problem is:

IF ā€œautomatic integrity protectionā€ is turned on, you will see this error.

IF instead disables the ā€œautomatic integrity protectionā€, the file is loaded without errors.

The strange thing is that the .AAB file loads without problems when created with WFS 1.3.x even with automatic integrity protection enabledā€¦