So any word on your face, even if it is a shortcut to Steps, Weather or Alarms should be listed?
What about Steps count? If you have a face with Steps and you have a picture of this face with 2645 steps on to show how it works, should you also list 2645?
I have never used any words or wording in my faces, they are just my plain designs with shortcuts or descriptions, like steps, speed, distance. And I totally get that you cannot use any words with copyright or that might belong to a brand or anything, that is just common sense.
I just worry now that if we miss a moon phase or something somewhere, that is it?
I think common sense prevails here if you are in doubt put them down as [Watchface Keyword]. You can be sure if they are available in the Samsung preinstalled watch faces that they donât need to be listed.
Samsung Developer Program
I think the information on intellectual property rights is clear.
With so many spheres that come out to date and with so many names
of companies with copyright, you have to look for information before
writing something on the clock face or application so as not to infringe those rights.
The words steps, floors, accesses and many more are not words that infringe rights.
As Ron says, the use of reason is important.
In addition, Samsung has made a list of words that do not have to be printed on the watch face and that is already a job that it takes away from us.
Logically it speaks many more that we will not be able to put.
Few months before I used the word âNavigatorâ as a part of my watch face name. I felt it could be copyright word. So I suspended and terminate my watch face my-self.
For that, now I got Forfeiture of Seller account. But I noticed many watch faces (even awarded watch faces has the name âPILOTâ) named has copyright content. Rules should be equal to all.
Sellers that were specifically named in a specific lawsuit forfeited their account. This is final and little appeal possible.
PILOT is not a banned keyword as far as I know it isnât copyrighted. it is not on the Banned words list.
Samsung Developer Program
Some clarifications on the Keyword review
1. If there is word(s) in your watchface image, you should write them under â[Watchface Keyword]â in the last line of description field.
This includes words in the uploaded images as well as the watch face.
Not all words need to be listed. You do not need to include functional-common words.
For Example: Words that decorate a watch: Steps, Speed, etc and those that are not a real function: their brands name in image and so on.
Sets of numbers are treated like text words so 1245678101112 is a banned word not the individual digits in that word.
For most cases if Intellectual Property Rights are infringed the submission for review will be rejected and instructions on what was wrong and how to fix it.
In some cases the word if used improperly will just be removed during the review often those are translations errors.
If this is a pattern or deliberate deception a seller account may be terminated.
I am satisfied that this will be done with the most tolerance possible and be better for the sellers who may mistakenly use a descriptive word as a copyrighted noun.
Samsung Developer Program
âPilotâ is part of the keyword. âKhaki Pilotâ listed in the file and I used as part of the watch face name.
The banned word is âKhaki Pilotâ not Pilot. In General copyrighted words are very specific. But I do understand your hesitancy to use any part of a phrase that may be on the banned list.
Samsung Developer Program
I have no words from the list sent by the Samsung. Do I need to do something?
If you do any updates or upload new content then Any Keywords in your images or in your watch face need to be listed at the bottom. You do not need to do any updates to currently approved watch faces.
The thing to focus on is keywords for the future. Those are not just banned words but any you may not be sure of.
For instance the French flag is called the Tricolours so if you had ânew snappy fresh tricolor designâ in your image description; then you should put tricolor on your keyword list just to be sure.
Samsung Developer Program
I would like to get acquainted with the Banned Words list. Words that are protected by intellectual property. They cannot be used when designing watch faces.
Iâll be very thankful.
If you are a watch face designer you should have got a list of banned keywords but I will upload the list here for those that donât have the list. However this is not a comprehensive list there may be others that were not known when the list was made.
Banned words (48.8 KB)
There is a list of registered words and watch faces at World Intellectual Property Organization If you can understand how to search it it would be useful. I wasnât able to do any effective search.
Samsung Developer Community
Thank you! Iâll try to search, maybe I can find it.
A good practice is to do a Google Search Watch xxxxx
whatever the word in question is.
Samsung Developer Program
Oâk. I will know)) I had a situation - I used BS in the title. Banned. I had to change the letters.