No Response for First Theme Approval

Does anybody know if the U.S. developers support is closed due to covid19? I sent my first theme to them for approval over 3 days ago as requested and I can’t get anybody to respond to my emails.

It sometimes takes 4 to 6 weeks for a response.

Samsung Developer Program

Seriously? It takes them 4 to 6 weeks to approve a theme?

My mistake - I misread your message and thought it was the Theme Partner Application approval. If you sent this to Samsung Developer Support you should have had a reply within 2 working days. If it was sent to the Theme support team that is the wrong place to send and enquiry you need to use the seller portal Enquiry 1:1 .

If this was to the SDP support send me a private message so I can get some details from you.

Samsung Developer Program

They actually got back to me after I posted. Now I’m just waiting for them to open the theme part of the seller portal for me. Alot of steps to get in.