PETITION: Create a watchface store in the Galaxy Wearable app

Well I put a request on this form as a vote to make dev/desg to sell their watchfaces on GalaxyStore as well not just on PlayStore like Android apps you can also put those on GalaxyStore as well as on PlayStore it give a developer a choice where he wants to put his work, but that thread got closed by form Moderator by saying no one will give vote on this. Like now I see I am not only one who hate how PlayStore works when it comes to sell watchfaces, I am working on PlayStore Since 2016 and I know how hard itā€™s to sell Paid Apps there, and I was aware what will happen when I will publish watchfaces as it wonā€™t be as efficient as on Galaxy Store as Play Store always support Android Apps and their focus is only on itā€¦ IDK why Samsung not letting Dev/Desg to allow to sell watchfaces on GalaxyStore, if they do so it will be much easy for US. SO I support this Petition as well, and I want to ask to moderator see now WHO WILL NOT VOTE ???


I fully support the petition.


I support this initiative for sure. I immediately searched for a section like this when I bought the GW4 and started to be interested in WF creation.

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I fully support the petition.

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Iā€™ve just barely sent my very first watchface in for review. But based on the OPā€™s post and the comments, I totally support the petition.

I fully support the petition.

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Completely agree with you.

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That would be really nice. Fully support this petition.

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I fully support the petition.

Sir, how do you spell your developer name? My developer name is Zhang Yanyan, and I am preparing to put my watch works on the market. However, I am stuck and there is a problem with the connection between the watch and WFS; Seeing that you have successfully listed, but there are still issues with selling your works in the future, I feel that there will be many difficult things to go through. If possible, I would like to ask you for some advice

Sir, how do you spell your developer name? My developer name is Zhang Yanyan, and I am preparing to put my watch works on the market. However, I am stuck and there is a problem with the connection between the watch and WFS; Seeing that you have successfully put on the shelves and have 80 watch works, but there are still sales issues in the future, I feel that there will be many difficult things to go through. If possible, I would like to ask you for some advice

Totally agree. I donā€™t want to install any watch faces from google because most of those are made directly for the pixel watches. If they had this, I wouldnā€™t have to make my own

Did you got any results after adding this petition? I also want to add one. Thatā€™s why asking from you.


I completely understand your frustration. Itā€™s disappointing that the Play Store isnā€™t meeting the needs of watchface designers and users alike. Hopefully, Samsung will consider reintroducing a dedicated section for watchfaces in the Galaxy Wearable app, or at least improve the discoverability of watchfaces on the Play Store. Hang in there!


Itā€™s clear that the Play Store has significant issues when it comes to watchfaces, from piracy concerns to the difficulty customers face in finding and installing them. Google does little to assist designers in reaching their audience, which leaves our customers unhappy and frustrated.

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I just donā€™t think Samsung cares anymore. It is a nightmare for us, the few designers still trying to do something, but also for the users. It has been an endless struggle and after so long now, I donā€™t think they will do something about it.

It is really sad that the experience is so bad. You create great hardware, but then leave it to another company for the software, just does not make sense.


Hi! Iā€™m a relatively new developer and I completely missed the watch faces store in the Galaxy app. I see so many complaints in this regard, but no one explains what was so good about it. Could you please describe it a bit? Thank you!


Very difficult to explain properly.

In summary, everything worked well with Galaxy Store including watch faces based on Samsungā€™s Tizen OS.

The developers were happy, making good money, and releasing new content weekly. Users were thrilled because they had an alternative device to Apple and much better than the decrepit Wear OS.

The challenge between Wearable devices in the world was between Samsung and Apple. Samsung had an excellent chance of becoming the leader in the category in a few years.

Tizen users were awesome and very fond of the Samsung brand.
Then one damn day Samsung decided to abandon Tizen, betray their users to try to resurrect that dying old Wear OS.

Just a market/business choice obviously I think.

Today Play Store is a mess, it makes Watch faces developers poorer and Wear OS is extremely boring and sometimes very buggy due to cross-platform devices.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch is no longer a Samsung exclusive based on their Tizen OS but is an alternative Wear OS device among the many available on the market, although the Samsung brand is still prominent.
And many old loyal users have abandoned Samsung to move on to other manufacturers (Apple among all).

After 8 years of developing watch faces, I think Samsungā€™s choice to move from Tizen to Wear OS was one of the biggest senseless things Iā€™ve seen in recent years.

I could keep writing but I think itā€™s enough already.

Iā€™ll add just one thing:

Google Play Store is a nightmare for Watch faces developers.

There is nothing that works well: from the watch faces categories, from the content, from the lack of categories with ā€œorganicā€ results and from the difficulty of simply installing the watch faces on the watch.

Galaxy Store was exactly the opposite of all these messes.


No, they do not care. Their new watches are inferior to the Tizen ones. Many users write to me that their new watch is pretty bad, the UI is laggy, they cannot transfer the purchased watchfaces, they have many issues installing something on Wear OS 4, very hard to find watchfaces in the store. And when they find them, surprise, not compatible with your device. You have to do 1000 different things to install a wf because, yeah, every developer gave his own set of instructions. Some have complications, you need to install 2-3-4 different apps to have all the complications like shown in the screenshots. And so on. So many issuesā€¦
They prepare for new watch release, but if the renders are trueā€¦ the new design is really bad :frowning:

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