Play Store and compatible devices error


I still have this problem on 5/5 uploaded designs. Has anyone found the solution or received a response?

Hopefully it will be solved soon and thank you.

I already have some watch faces released on the Play Store, but 15 days have passed and this error still continues, the cell phone’s Play Store says that the device is not compatible! In the web browser it says it’s compatible!
I think it’s time for Google to review this!
And that’s frightening!

In my opinion Google Play phone app checks app compatibility with a phone not with a watch as opposed to Galaxy Store.
Here’s a post by Mateo Dini with the same idea: Differences in the compatibility of watch faces on the computer and on the phone - #8 by Matteo_Dini
Later for some reasons it will be available to install from the phone Play Market app.
Best regards,

The problem is, among other things, that, even if the watchface is online, the release type “Wear OS” still has to be checked. This usually takes longer than the actual release.
As long as the watchface is not approved for Wear OS, it is neither compatible with the mobile phone nor with the web browser of the PC.

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