Can someone at Samsung give us instructions on how we contact or the process to get your watchfaces on the playstore listed with all these additional options.
I have noticed a number of developer have the MORE option and this will display all there faces and even shows Featured Apps ?
Its seems to be developers who appear in the charts have these additional options ?
I have many more downloads then a lot of these developers and wondered how this is even worked out ?
Is there some kind of promotion behind the scenes or program we can join ?
There are thread that talk about creating apps with Android Studio but I know these developers are not doing that to get listed on the play store.
@r.liechty_SDR can you please answer these questions thanks.
Yes I did see that topic but I wont Samsung to respond with my questions.
I really wish we could and I was hoping to do that but there are many antitrust laws that could be raised if we did that.
The best we can do is provide this forum for discussion.
Samsung Developer Relations
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Slightly confused by your response what do you mean by antitrust laws exactly ? So to get your apps displaying when a user clicks only some developers get this options from there mobile phone is what im asking ?
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Samsung cannot advise sellers or intercede for sellers about anything in Play Store.
Samsung Developer Relations
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OK thanks Ron for your reply , just seen that I now have the Featured Watchface on the browser since last night so maybe i will see this on app soon.