Request to update apps with minimum target SDK version 23

Can anyone tell me if I misunderstood the latest Seller Portal news?

If all my apps support android SDK 23 or lower and I don’t update them within 30 days, will they all be removed from the Samsung Store?

I am still baffled by this sudden news. Samsung took a while to position itself after Google’s announcement and now it only gives us 30 days?

Google itself will enforce the minimum target SDK version 23 only for apps that have the target android SDK 34.

My apps target android SDK 32 and minimum API level 19. Will they be removed if I don’t update them?

Why not give a longer deadline or enforce this requirement for new apps or new app updates?

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It seems this is a pretty straight forward message.
I think you just need to change the setting in the store to minimum Level 24 but you can ask the seller portal for more information.

My guess is this requirement is because of upcoming Governmental regulations

Samsung Developer Relations

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Hi Ron,

I was also taken by surprise.

So does it mean that people with old phones, android users version 23 or below, will no longer have access to the Galaxy Store?

As a developer it means I will lose potential users.

Samsung usually raises the target SDK version and the minimum API level tends to be irrelevant.

Why this time the problem is the minimum API level?

Could it be that there was some translation error and actually the issue is the target SDK version and not the minimum API level?

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There is no way to set the minimum Level in the store. The store just reads what was set in the engine that generated the apk:


In my case, my app’s minSDKVersion is android 19 and maxSDKVersion is android 32 . In this case, will it be suspended?

It is probably because new privacy and security regulations are going into effect.

Samsung Developer Relations

There is no way to set the minimum Level in the store. The store just reads what was set in the engine that generated the apk:

Thanks I just do Watch faces and we could set the devices they were compatible with.

In my case, my app’s minSDKVersion is android 19 and maxSDKVersion is android 32 . In this case, will it be suspended?

yes, you need to rebuild and update to a newer version.

Samsung Developer Relations


Thanks for the clarification.

And what will happen to android devices API level 23 or lower? Will they lose access to the Galaxy Store? Or will they continue to have access to published apps until September 2023?

The old devices will probably have access and can download previous purchases (but not free content).

Samsung Developer Relations

All right.

Thank you!

Has Samsung not yet applied the changes or was the message incorrectly posted?

I still have app’s minSDKVersion is android 19 and maxSDKVersion is android 32 and they remain active in the store, they have not been suspended.

When newly registering or updating an Android app, if the requirements below are not met, the app can no longer be serviced in the Galaxy Store.

And it looks like they changed the target date to November 1st.

Samsung Developer Relations
Samsung Developer Relations

Where do I find this information?

I think you’re talking about the new 64-bit requirements:

Isn’t it the same notice?
[Important] Information on changing the target API Level requirements of an Android app and applying 64bit

Samsung Developer Relations

No, I’m talking about the “Request to update apps with minimum target SDK version 23” since the beginning of the post:

Thanks Bruce,

I see now the original schedule and the newer notice have different dates.
I don’t know would you like me to ask the Store Ops team and maybe prompt the action or just see what happens.

Samsung Developer Relations

I humbly think they missed the message.

I think the message they wanted to say is that the new requirement would be that the androidSDKlevel target will be 24 or greater.

I’ve had apps published in several stores for years and I’ve never seen a store ask for a minAPILevel, the requirements are always related to maxSDKVersion (Target API).

Maybe it was a translation error from Korean to English.

This is targetSdkVersion

Let’s see what Ron can find out about this.

But Ron himself confirmed that I should update my apps and my apps could not have the minimum API level 19.

@bruce @NoMad @www

Looks like we got noticed. There is an updated notice today Oct. 18, 2023 [Important] Information on changing the target API Level requirements of an Android app (Updated) clarifying

The suspension of apps is not mentioned and it says the new requirements are only applied to New or Updated Apps.

Samsung Developer Relations