Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP) fails


downloaded a watchface from Galaxy Store and tried to purchase it with IAP on the watch and it seems SAP fails:

iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: __initialize_dbus(1378) > DBus initialization is completed successfully.
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: service_app_create(1421) > Register 30sec alarm for connection timeout [1900862376]
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: __handle_method_call(1268) > IAP Consumer has been launched by DBus
sap.c: _is_ready_to_send(123) > Try to find peer
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: _start_iap(1240) > Connection with peer is not completed. Wait!
sap.c: on_service_connection_created(902) > SAP Connection Error. Terminate IAP Consumer!
sap.c: _send_result_to_caller_app(160) > Reply to sender[iap.agalaxyapps.acom.awatchface.atopguntr] tID[9220_1] result[-1073741823]
sap.c: _send_result_to_caller_app(180) > Encoded bundle length = 216
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: _start_iap(1222) > Queue is invalid

I have a xiaomi mi 9t pro, every other thing works just fine, except IAP.

Same error happens when I try to do IAP in my own app…

What could be the problem?


IAP transactions should work. Do you see Samsung Checkout pop up shown on the phone once you try to purchase an item? We will probably need a log file from both the phone and watch to investigate. If possible please open a support request

Thank you,

Nope, I don’t see samsung checkout on my phone. I reset my watch, and I got “samsung billing is required to complete this request. Samsung billing will be installed on your phone…” but nothing happened on my phone. When I tried to find samsung billing, I found samsung checkout in play store(which I guess the same app rebranded) installed it, but when I tried to log in, it instantly crashes.

After you receive the Samsung Billing/Samsung Checkout notification, it should be installed in your phone. You do not have to go via Google Play to get it. Is it possible to get a log file from both the phone and watch? This is needed for IAP team to investigate. Thank you.

created a video:

Please check my first post for the watch log.