downloaded a watchface from Galaxy Store and tried to purchase it with IAP on the watch and it seems SAP fails:
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: __initialize_dbus(1378) > DBus initialization is completed successfully.
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: service_app_create(1421) > Register 30sec alarm for connection timeout [1900862376]
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: __handle_method_call(1268) > IAP Consumer has been launched by DBus
sap.c: _is_ready_to_send(123) > Try to find peer
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: _start_iap(1240) > Connection with peer is not completed. Wait!
sap.c: on_service_connection_created(902) > SAP Connection Error. Terminate IAP Consumer!
sap.c: _send_result_to_caller_app(160) > Reply to sender[iap.agalaxyapps.acom.awatchface.atopguntr] tID[9220_1] result[-1073741823]
sap.c: _send_result_to_caller_app(180) > Encoded bundle length = 216
iap-galaxyapps-consumer.c: _start_iap(1222) > Queue is invalid
I have a xiaomi mi 9t pro, every other thing works just fine, except IAP.
Same error happens when I try to do IAP in my own app…
What could be the problem?