Shortcut Icons losing label and icon on Samsung UI Launcher


There doesn’t seem to be a pattern for when it happens but sometimes on the Samsung One UI Home launcher, shortcut icons and labels for my app change to my app’s icon and label. The shortcut itself still works, but it loses its custom icon and label.

I’ve had many reports from Samsung users about this and it doesn’t happen on other devices and launchers, so it’s definitely a One UI Home issue.

How can I help getting this issue fix?

Thanks in advance.

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  1. Go to “ Settings ” > “ Apps & notifications ” > “ App info “.
  2. Select the app that handles the launcher. The app we are looking for will differ depending on the device. Looks for something related to or contains the words “ Home ” or “ Launcher(Example: Nova Launcher) . If you have a Samsung device, it may be called “ TouchWiz “.
  3. Select “ Storage “. then choose “ Clear data “. mylonestar

Thanks for the reply but this is an issue with the One UI Home launcher, and not any other launcher.