Suggestions for future builds

1 “chance of rain” option should be a complication option for the “short text” complication and not solely for the “ranged value” complication. The only worth while thing to swap it for is battery and that is often an integrated item of the face design.

The complications availability are determined by the app developer. With the WFS 1.4.13 Beta they have various slots that can accommodate all complications types and you can set your preferred type priority.

2 masking should be available for groups, having to mask individual items makes projects more cumbersome.

I believe this is possible in WFS 1.4.13 Beta I’ll check.

3 more metrics should be available for tags. Such as calories, miles or distance, elevation, blood oxygen, blood pressure, workouts and duration, and temperature. Just to name a few.

Not all Smart Watches have health but most do. However, what is shared to Health Services is determined by the Health app and permissions granted. My understanding is this will be much better in Wear 4. You can add it as a suggestion.

4 direct access to create fixed complications for many of the metrics I’ve just listed as well as options like weather, sunrise sunset, feels like temp, calender, inbox, etc. The more we can make these faces function properly immediately after download without customizing, the happier customers will be.

WFS can only add direct functionality to apps that are sure to be on every Wear OS based smart watch and not limited to Samsung or Pixel watches.

Can you add your requests as a separate request to this topic?

Samsung Developer Relations