After s20 and s10 got Android 11 updates our app users start to complain that loading app now takes forever. Issue seems limited to cases when app files are stored on external SD card.
I write small benchmark and it seems that I/O access is now 50-100x slower on external SD card.
More details in issue below
Unfortunately Android support has only Pixel devices to test so maybe here I can find more help. Unless this issue is reason why S21 doesn’t support external SD card anymore…
If the issue occured only on Samsung devices. You may report the issue officially on Samsung support with below information.
- Issue reproduction route with Sample app
- Dumpstate log.
Please take the dump-state log by following this:
a) Immediately after issue reproduction, dial *#9900# and if the Debug Level is Disabled/LOW, tap to select MID. This restarts the device.
b) Again dial *#9900# and press “RUN DUMPSTATE/LOGCAT/”
c) When it is finished press “COPY TO SDCARD(INCLUDE CP RAMDUMP)
d) In the main folder of the device file system, there will be created a new folder called “log”. The log file should be there.
Here is the developer support link- Support | Samsung Developers
Ok, let me try that. Thanks