Unable to apply for Corporate Commercial Distribution Seller Request"

I am unable to apply for “Corporate Commercial Distribution Seller Request” status due to technical errors, when I enter my DUNS number and complete the entire form I receive an error. Support takes weeks to respond and only sends me a generic solution that does not work. Does anyone else have this problem? I’ve been trying for months to upload my game app.

First thing to try is deleting your browser Cache not just 6 weeks but the entire cache. If that doesn’t work.
Do you only get the System Error when you submit the DUNS number? If that is the issue I’ll contact you in a private message for more information.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,

Yes, I tried deleting all the cache and even downloaded and installed Google Chrome from 0 but the error persists.

When entering the DUNS it loads correctly and I can fill out the form which I also complete correctly, however when submitting the form is when this error occurs.