Hey … There is an update for the Watchface Studio.
Heart rate seems to be working fine this time.
Doesn’t look like it…
Also no ccw sweep for seconds.
heart rate still not dispaly continuously…
I remind you that heart rate measurement is independent of S-Health or Google Fit.
Regarding the smoothness of the animation, it is smoother compared to the previous version, but the more animations you add the more it slows down and becomes choppy again. That was not the case with GWS. Hopefully it will get better with later versions.
In my designs it still doesn’t work … could you share the label you use to make it work properly? Thanks Matteo
I only used two tags:
to display heart rate
to display when heart rate is being measured
With WFS 1.0.3 I have not encountered any issues.
The green LED under the watch remains flashing during detection and after a short time displays the heart rate.
I have been testing for more than 24hr.
With version 1.0, the green LED turned off after 5 seconds.
Perfect, thanks for the help. I will try the new version, I hope not error. All the best!
Hi Matteo,
I use another method.
to display the heart rate and
Action Tap:
Measure Heartrate
to show when heart rate is measured.
The bad, you have to touch the action button to read the heart rate again.
If a heart rate provider automatically reads the rate, it does not update the clock face.
That’s because, The watch face will only get the data from the sensor only.
Weekday Bug is fixed … woop woop
Yes, obviously the “Measure Heart Rate” shortcut must also be used to get more control.
I set the Heartrate measurment Interval to 30 minutes (from project menu → settings) and everything seems to be working fine now.
There are reports from users in other regions that the day of the week is a day late. This is a face made with the previous version of WFS.
Has this been fixed in the new version? Where verification is impossible to work very well on me.
For me, the day of the week now works correctly with version 1.0.3. Before that, there was always a day’s gap between English and German language. Now both indicate the correct weekday.
Yes the Heart Rate stuff working fine now for me too.
But consumers will be still confused about the 2 different values on there watch. The one value we showing them on the watch face and the other value inside the Health App. That both are not synchronized is a bad UX. Yeah maybe it is not possible to find a better solution from technical side but consumers hate to be confused. … and finally WE have to explain that little issue again and again and again.
Yes, the measurements are different.
Also the client has to update the heart rate measurement manually.
Let me ask you one more question.
Do I just need to build a new WFS without changing the settings?
You just need the newest software.
Open your existing project and build the bundle (top right corner).
Than the weekday bug is gone and the heart rate measurement working fine.
Like Matteo did already explained. Heart rate measurement interval you set up under the (project menu → settings) . An additional Heart Rate shortcut helps the user to have more control about that measurement.
But like always: Test it before you sell it.
I was touched by the kind explanation.
Thank you so much.