always when i submit a Ticket to the Premium Support and send them Screenshots, wrote it doens’t matter if use Windows or Mac Tool, also that the Issues there with each Theme what is created by Tool 9.25. Mostly i send them also there a the Issue is and how it can be fixed. (Which color attributes and so on).
I got always the same answer. It feels like they don’t understand the Ticket.
Regarding your inquiry, we would like to inform you that to better assist you solve the problem, please contact us again by using [Add Question] button and provide us below information:
Related Content ID and Content name
Theme Editor version
Version information of the Theme Editor (please confirm it is for Windows OS or Mac OS)
The binary file (.apk)
The project file (.stp)
Other useful information
Also in a previous ticket, i suggest all color attributes, which can fix the Issues and they need more as 7 Business Days to check the Issues? I need around 10min to find them and know how it be fixed. Feels like i do there Job :(, but they don’t give a Beta Test for Tool to fix Issues, before release, they have there own Beta Testers, but i feels like the Beta Testers don’t test the Tool enough.
It can’t be that I find more than 50 errors in the tool, it can be so easily. So please Samsung, improve it!
I agree with everything on the testing and issues except the additional information they ask. While just showing a screenshot of an issue is easier it doesn’t help them, so they ask for the exact conditions that created the issue so that they know exactly what caused it.
And I have mostly explained the exact conditions in detail, since the errors theme tool occur independently, I even usually add exactly the source code where the error lies exactly.
Also write that the error occurs with every theme available in the theme store and it occurs with both tool versions for MAC and Windows, as it is a firmware error. Then why do they ask again whether it is the Mac or Windows tool? Sounds like they don’t understand it
I think they have an auto response generator to respond to all initial questions, because it doesn’t matter my question, I also get the exact same response. Level 1 help desk is an autobot.
I agree with everything Alex says, I’ve given up submitting questions because it’s pointless.
Having working in support for a long time I know that often what is reported leaves out important information. Support staff may not understand a problem even though it is perfectly clear to the reporter.
Having a form for precise information in a precise manner as a starting point is necessary.
Having said that I want you to know that Samsung Developer Program is aware of the issues and will work with the Premium Support team to our best ability.
Where to find: Hold mode on/off > Lock-screen Description: The icons in the status area (battery, wifi signal and such…) are wrongfully in dark color on lockscreen even though their color is set to “white” in Common > Background > Icon and text color area. Test Device Info: Detected SM-N976N_TM, SW Version: N976NKSU1ASK7