Hi. I’m an absolute newbie to Samsung Watch world. I tried some wf from the store and later tried to create my own ones. I observed an abnormal higher battery consumption with my wf’s compared to some nearly identical ones downloaded from the store. Is there an option/trick in GWD for battery optimization?
Generally animation is power consuming, that’clear. Weather it’s something I don’t need. Is the resolution of background image a problem?
You are probably looking at it more often 
OPR is a big memory user which is why it is restricted in AOD mode.
Since a background shows all the time if your background is very bright lower that opacity.
I’m not sure if you meant weather or whether but weather does affect battery life since it is updated I think about 15% more use a day was what users reported. However, again I think that is mainly because new users start checking the weather frequently and after a while the rate lowers.
Samsung Developer Program
Thanks for Your answer. I’ll try to compare the overnight battery usage of the faces. That’s a more realistic comparison. I don’t know what You mind with OPR.
What I observed that I have with the Samsung OEM-faces a battery usage overnight of about 2-3% during 7 hours. With custom faces it’s about 8-9%.
When you create an always on Display it requires and On Pixel Ratio of less than 13% or it won’t let you run it on a watch because the battery drain is too low.
I don’t think AOD is on unless it is worn so that wouldn’t get the drain. I don’t know of anything GWS has that runs in the background unless it is weather.
I’d be interested if you learn any patterns.
Samsung Developer Program
Thanks, Ron. I don’t use AOD. That’s why I try to compare first of all overnight. If during the rest period the battery drain remains almost the same, than you’re right, it’s me staring to often to my self made wf.