Bits of new GWS design missing on the watch


One of these pics is a Screenshot from my watch. Galaxy Active.
The other which includes the Vertical and Horizontal spokes is from GWS.
I modified them to be a bit bolder but they refuse to appear on the watch for more than a few seconds.
All the other Mods I made Transfere.

Very strange.
Any one had similar and knows how to fix it.

My Thanks


So after reading a post that @snirm7
Generated . I found that scaling the spokes by just 1px Height and Width. The Modification now appears on my watch.
So thanks to all concerned.

@RonL . Thanks for your heads up on My Email thread. I see on the Community that you are one of the Problem solvers . The other Issue I was having but think I have a solution that I would like to share. I was having trouble connecting to my watch over WiFi but tonight It was faultless, as I turned the Bluetooth connection off from my watch and Switched off the phone . I don’t know if this was the magic formula . I would not be at all surprised . I have had a lot of experience with Bluetooth causing its own problems.

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