It frustrates me, I can’t imagine how maddening it is for you. Support tried under and admin user name with no problems.
All I can think of is that there is a read only security on your USER\admin\GearWatchDesigner folder. but I doubt that is it can you write text file and save in the workspace?
Samsung Developer Program
The USER\admin\GearWatchDesigner folder is set to READ ONLY and when i try to remove this attribute, it always reverts back to READ ONLY.
However I can write and save text file to this folder.
As far as I can tell by looking at my two computer every folder in the users\username folder are read only. But when you check Security you should have read write permission in that setting. If you aren’t that might be the issue.
Samsung Developer Program
Yes I have r/w permission in Security tab.
Thanks. Still cannot upgrade to v2.0. Darn.
Make sure you don’t have any special characters in the file name; try something simple like A.GWD to see if it works.
none of my file names have special characters.
but thanks anyways.
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Hi buddy, you have already tried this but just in case try “Save as” sometimes when you just use the 'Save" only command it saves it but in the wrong place, not in a file called “workspace”.
GWS always looks at the workspace folder by default while trying to open a file,
LOL, hopefully they figured it out in the past six months
Not resolved. This is still the same problem.
Looking at my cleanconf.vbs file, I am guessing one of these folders is missing:
deleteDir(rootPath & “configuration”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “font”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “plugins”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “res”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “sample”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “template”)
deleteDir(rootPath & “tizen”)
One idea the next time you try to run this VBS file, is to add a messagebox after the “rootPath=” line, to spot-check what that rootPath is, being looked at:
To add the extra line, just open it up in NotePad (right-click and select “Edit”). Be sure to save it not as a TXT file, but as a VBS file.
Thank you for the suggestion. Here is the result of running cleanconfig.vbs
Additionally, all of the folders you mention are present in the GalaxyWatchDesigner/conf folder.
Any other suggestions?
I am wondering why the previous error said ‘Path not found’ and the new error says ‘Permission denied’. I was hoping to learn what the path was that was not found, or now where permission was denied.
Issue resolved after 8 months of brain bashing:
On a whim, I uninstalled GWD 1.8.1, AND removed the GearWatchDesigner folder from the user/admin folder. This folder was initally installed during the GWD 1.0 installation process way back when it first was released by Samsung. I guess, during the upgrades for each successive version this folder never gets touched by the upgrade process.
Following this, a reboot, then clean install of GWS 2.0. Now GWS2.0 works as expected.
Thanks to all for your suggestions during this trying time.
There is some degree of comfort knowing that one was not alone in their misery.
There is greater comfort knowing that the resolution of one’s misery helped another.
Perhaps you did not read through this thread. Prior to finally resolving the issue (posted Dec 2020), neither the SAVE nor SAVE AS commands were successful.
But thank you for your response.
Hi Mo,
it was fake message with SEO spam embedded.
You should not have erased the files, but ran the uninstaller. Windows has a registry system that associates applications with functionality.
The first versions of GWD had to be ran in the Admin account. and that is what was the issue with Mo he couldn’t save because he wasn’t running as “admin” only an account with Admin privileges.
Is that the same issue?
If not create a new Thread and I’ll respond there.
Samsung Developer Program
Tell still you are searching, for your solution or you found it?
i also facing this issue, i wish someone will help me,