Can't accept License Agreement for Tizen Studio on macOS Big Sur v11.3.1


Today, I want to share the workaround to avoid it and use TS IDE on the Big Sur.

like you, I did not launch TizenStudio 4.1 IDE on Big Sur 11.4 version, too.

But I used that cli installer like the one below that.

chmod +x ./web-cli_Tizen_Studio_4.1_macos-64.bin
./web-cli_Tizen_Studio_4.1_macos-64.bin --accept-license $TIZEN_STUDIO_PATH
Ex) Install mobile 6.0) => $TIZEN_STUDIO_PATH/package-manager/package-manager-cli.bin install MOBILE-6.0 -r Index of /sdk/tizenstudio/ -d official --accept-license

And then, I can use IDE, Emulator, and so on in the Big Sur version, too.

Could you use that commands, too?

It is important to use package-manger cli to install tizen package like mobile-6.0.

In order to install the extension, you can use that commands, too.

  1. Ex) Show Command package lists: ./package-manager-cli.bin show-pkgs
  2. Ex) Display Samsung Certificate Extension: ni cert-add-on 2.0.54 Samsung (ni: not installed)
  3. Ex) Install command Samsung Certificate Extension: ./package-manager-cli.bin install cert-add-on --accept-license

With --help command like " ./package-manager-cli.bin --help" , you can see other commands or sub-commands/options.

You can refer to a similar solution on Tizen Studio and Mac OS issues - #15 by shyam
