Hey guys long time no speak.
Has anyone seen or have any ideas how to show a different bg colour or image between the hour and minute hands as they sweep around? Tried to see if this has come up before and cant see at it has…
Thanks in advance!
Hey guys long time no speak.
Has anyone seen or have any ideas how to show a different bg colour or image between the hour and minute hands as they sweep around? Tried to see if this has come up before and cant see at it has…
Thanks in advance!
A Progress bar with the Angle and Fill tied to the angles of the hands would work . I have seen it done on Facer . A lot of those Guys leave thier work Inspectable .
Oh great idea, so a progress bar that starts and aligns/follows with the hour hand that goes up to the minute hand. I know how to get it to start and rotate with the hour hand, but how would i get it to only go as far as the minute hand?
The only way I can help is by making a test . I am not a Mathamatician . If you give me a bit of time I can have a look . With all these things it is Crossing Zero that is an issue and in WFS converting the time to an angle . I another Platform I use they have Tags for the Hrs and minutes rotation in 0 to 360 degrees . Making it a lot easier . I have made guages that Are symmetric both sides of the Arc . 2
Well it should not be too different.
That’s interesting! I’m working on that now as well. Did you find any complications that especially benefit from symmetric representation?
Here is a little quick test . Some of it is working . I will look at some other stuff .
To open it in WFS . Delete just the .ZIP part of the File name .
@Gondwana I like to represent the Battery Power with a Symmetric Progress Gauge . I have a Face that uses it for autorunning steps .
PRIVATE_BASICS_016.wfs.ZIP (498.5 KB)
@jsmith88 Facer Inspectable
@russellcresser Thank you! I think I can see what you mean. I’ll post some screenshots of my work-in-progress soon, for comparison. (I would post the .wfs but I’ve made modifications to it outside of WFS so it is no longer compatible with WFS.)
The problem I have , it is not so simple because Negative Angle numbers are a NOP .
I guess we’re getting a bit off-topic, but here’s my work-in-progress for symmetric complication gauges. The lower two complication slots are displaying a test complication (not actually battery!) that has values ranging from -20 to +20, so it assumes 0 is at the top. Positive values extend clockwise from the top towards orange; negative values extend anti-clockwise from the top towards blue.
The gauges can also display asymmetric complications (and SHORT_TEXT, etc).
There’s a BooleanOption to always show the progress bars all the way around, and just rely on the hand to indicate the value.
The arc around the time is seconds. It adapts its colour scheme (symmetric/asymmetric) to match that of the large complication slot.
OK . Nice . In My Book it is ok if a Topic Morphs a bit . I will make a test and show you what i mean by symmetric gauge . Hen I am Testing I Have Tw favourite sliders I use . The Time one and the Battery one . In this Case I Think battery is best . It Would Be so Good if you could post the Coloured Gauge BKGND . Or at least Show a Full one so I could Clone It .
The gauge backgrounds (and progress arcs) were done using WFF gradients, rather than images. In fact, the colours of the hour and complication hands is also achieved using a gradient, so the hand colour always corresponds to that of the position on the arc to which it’s pointing.
Hopefully WFS will support gradients soon. I there there was mention of that somewhere.
OK . I see . I have a nice Colour Wheel image I put in for testing . It is late now but you see I have a test bed for WFS . I will need to get Clamp out for the -20 0 +20 . more Soon .
symetric gauge.wfs.ZIP (807.6 KB)
For the record (and anyone desperate), I use this Wear OS app to provide various complication types and formats for testing. One of the RANGED_VALUE cases goes from -20 to +20. Unfortunately, I don’t think Google provides a pre-built version of the project.
Thank you for this, FYI I cannot open the ZIP/WF file you sent as it does not download as a ZIP just a folder with a preview jpg, .json file and a ‘res’ file I do not have permissions to open, I am on a Mac.
With regard to the facer example, this looks exactly what I am after, however I am not familiar with the facer data tags below, do you know them and I’ll see if I can replicate in WFS:
@jsmith88 . So First of all . The File I posted is not a ZIP File. It is just Faked so that the Forum can Transfer it . I thought I made it Clear that you just delete the .ZIP part of the file name and what is left will open in Automatically in WFS . You must know there are no rotational tags in WFS . We have to take the timer and add an angle too it .
#DWFMS# is the rotational value for a minutes hand 0 to 360 for minutes in the hour.
#DWFKS# is the Rotational value for the hours hand in 12 hrs per rotation .
Post a Picture of what you want then we can help .
Because WFS does not handle the Negative values the same it is very different .
So with a complex conditional this has it Cracked . You will see the Hero Formulas Highlighted in Green . You Will see I have left the WIP in so you can see the process of Testing .