Downloadi personal continous heart rate data

Hello, I tried the description, see link below, to download personal data but always get the error message:
“Couldn’t download data. Something went wrong with the server. Try again later”. I have restarted Samsung S23 ultra as well as my Watch4 classic, I also have the latest updates and the watch and phone records the heart rate perfectly.

What other things can I do to extract the heart rate data?

I’m fairly confident that tutorial you were reading was for Tizen based Smart Watches, In 2021 Samsung changed to Wear OS based Smart Watches and that appears to be from 2020.

Wear OS used Health Connect so no matter if it is a Samsung mobile or a Android Mobile or Google Health or Samsung Health the same methodology works.

See this Blog tutorial it may help.
[edit: Updated link]

Hope this helps,

Samsung Developer Relations

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Thanks for a great reply, much appreciated!