GWD 1.6.2 built app but still S2 rejection message

I have a new problem with Watchfaces I build for Gear S2.
I Build Them with ver 1.6.2 of GWD But after uploading the Built watchface and after store Team testing it gets rejected for not supporting S2 devices

It seems like you did not build a Tizen 3 but only Tizen 4 binaries
You can set your project to Tizen 3 build and it will run on Tizen 4 but not as effective or you can build both and upload them both to the store

I recommend that you create both Tizen 3 and Tizen 4 TPK’s

Step 1.
Build two .tpk files one for Galaxy Watch (Tizen 4.0) the other for old Gear models (Tizen 3.0 or less)
You need to build twice, for each build you should set different Target API version and enter different version number.

Very Important!
In your build settings
Package name should be the SAME
Version should be different
Target API version should be different

In File Manager you will see that both a xxx_TW3.tpk and xxx_TW4.tpk files are generated.

Step 2.
Upload both files at the same time.
Upload First binary
Select add more binary
Upload the second Binary

If this is not the reason
The result is that two binaries have been updated. TW4 will be downloaded by Galaxy Watch (Tizen 4.0 device) and TW3 will be downloaded by Gear S3 That haven’t been updated. A notice will appear don’t worry this is standard.

Step 3
Proceed as before
Enter all the required information… This process is same as before.
And upload, then you can start your service after testing and verification process are completed.