Heart rate [HR]

It’s sad that the only device that seems to have some support according to the review report is the Motorola Moto 360… Even the Galaxy watch 4 fails to pass the evaluation when reviewed. Any actual updates regarding the HR rejection reason?

By the way on my Galaxy watch 4 the watch face when tested works as intended. I am seriously thinking of selling the damn thing and going back to making watch faces only for Tizen.

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Ron, do you think in the next update there will be any chance to show continously heart rate?

I was confused on this. That was only for watch designs converted using the Galaxy Watch Studio Converter.

Watch Face Studio does not access the Samsung Health app.

My apology for the confusion.

Samsung Developer Relations

I hope I have an answer and it was there all the time.
I think you need to put this in the description

The heart rate is not automatically updated. When the user clicks the button for ‘Measure Heartrate’, then the device will measure the current heart rate and it will be displayed

Look at FAQ Q9

The functionality of passing the heart rate measured and managed in each health application to the watch face is not supported by the platform. Instead, Watch Face Studio provides the ability for each watch face to measure the heart rate face directly by the user.

  • Use the [HR] or [HR_Z] tag expressions for a text or a property of an image component.
  • Make a button component with ‘Action’ > ‘Tap’ > ‘Measure Heartrate’
  • When the user clicks the button for ‘Measure Heartrate’, then the device will measure the current heart rate and it will be displayed through the [HR] or [HR_Z] tag expression.

You can set the interval of the heart rate measurement in the main menu > File > Project > Setting > Health.
Additional tags such as [HR_IS_MEASURING] or [HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME] can be used to provide better usability.

Samsung Developer Relations

Jesus! Neverending story!

yep, and much of it is because of my confusion and for that I apologize.

There is a new hot fix version of WFS very soon I’m not sure what bugs it fixes but I know if fixes the OPPO issue.

Samsung Developer Relations

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I got rejected for the HR measure issue again.

“For example, the heart rate tracker does not update any BPM data on the OPPO Watch.”

Fun fact:
On this update I have disabled all other devices except Samsungs Watch 4.


It’s not about WFS, Samsung Health or something else.

The validation team seems to be comparing the heart rate data on the watch face to the stock Google Fit app.
Naturally, if you do not import data from there (this is a separate, not a simple story), then the heart rate will not match.

I have the same reason for the rejection of the watch face, which was made in Android Studio.
My watch face itself measures the heart rate and keeps a history of measurements and is also rejected for the reason “For example, your application does not provide heart rate BPM on both square and round face Wear OS devices as shown/described on the store listing.”

I have uploaded the updated version and have filed an appeal. Almost a week has passed - there is no reaction from Google.

How do you convey to the validation team the simple idea that heart rate data can be measured directly with a watch face?

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I simply cant stop wondering where has the open/closed schizophrenia of this lame OS gotten.
"We give you any perfect info, but only if you open it in our preloaded app, and no way we let you display it on same device, same display for same person but on a third party face with another basic info and custom graphics. You want some info? we give you a tool to collect it yourself. "
Ok, but then please do not compare results of this tools products with any of those forced apps. And do not wonder the tiny battery wont last more than 2 days if every app is this way forced to task the hardware with redundant job.

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This will be fixed in an upcoming Hot Fix expected in the next 10 days (but no promises).

Samsung Developer Relations

The point here is why they check the functionality on oppo when i did disabled this device already.

That makes no sense at all. :triumph:

Ps: Thx Ron, i hope the next update helps with the HR.

I received 16 rejections in the last 48 hrs for the same reason: BPM issue. They must have changed something in the evaluation criteria and there is certainly some bugs somewhere. It’s a nightmare.

Problem is not in WFS. Problem is Google!

My feeling is they have been getting so many requests for Watch reviews they had to hire or transfer testers and they are not fully trained.

It was suggested to put the last update time in the button that starts the Measurement that way it is more obvious.

Samsung Developer Relations

Wow something has changed im just using [HR] no measure I get 3 failed all working 100% I set only Galaxy Watch 4 on devices.

Why Why Why this is so so frustrating

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Today I had a wonderful correspondence with Play Store tech support:
Google play:
During review, we detected the following eligibility issue and were unable to accept your app for Wear OS:

  • The basic functionality of your app does not work as described in App Bundle 7. Wear OS functionality should work as expected or as described in the app’s Google Play Store listing. Please make sure to test your app on a variety of Wear OS devices and configurations.

    • For example, the heart rate tracker does not update any BPM data on the OPPO Watch.

I (developer)
We have excluded the OPPO watch from the list of devices. But we still get rejected because of this device.

I attached a screenshot from my personal account to the letter.

Google play:
Thanks again for contacting the Google Play Team.

As much as I’d like to help, I’m not able to provide any more detail or a better answer to your question. In our previous email, I made sure to include all the information available to me.

  • The basic functionality of your app does not work as described in App Bundle 7. Wear OS functionality should work as expected or as described in the app’s Google Play Store listing. Please make sure to test your app on a variety of Wear OS devices and configurations.

    • For example, the heart rate tracker does not update any BPM data on the OPPO Watch.

Every Watchface is still rejected on the latest versions of software / firmware added description as recommended above and still they constantly reject.

Ron When is this new version coming out my users are going crazy about this not working ?

Romans Comment is by far the best description of the situation!


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Note the App Bundle number in the rejection report.

I had a situation where I uploaded more and more new production versions, but version App Bundle 1 remained on the test.

I think this is some kind of error in Google Play.
Only after I disabled the Production version 1, the last uploaded App bundle went for verification.

And in the end, my watch face was approved.

I was wrong on HR I was confusing WFS implementation with the GWS Conversion implementation which used Samsung Health HR.

The functionality of passing the heart rate measured and managed in each health application to the watch face is not supported by the platform. Instead, Watch Face Studio provides the ability for each watch face to measure the heart rate face directly by the user.

  • Use the [HR] or [HR_Z] tag expressions for a text or a property of an image component.
  • Make a button component with ‘Action’ > ‘Tap’ > ‘Measure Heartrate’
  • When the user clicks the button for ‘Measure Heartrate’, then the device will measure the current heart rate and it will be displayed through the [HR] or [HR_Z] tag expression.

You can set the interval of the heart rate measurement in the main menu > File > Project > Setting > Health.
Additional tags such as [HR_IS_MEASURING] or [HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME] can be used to provide better usability.

Samsung Developer Relations