How can I utilize the Samsung Health Privileged SDK offline for acquir

Hello. I have a question about the Samsung Health Privileged SDK. As part of my research at university, I’m planning to utilize the Samsung Health Privileged SDK to acquire surface skin temperature in an application I’m developing. I’ve already submitted a request to the partnership program, and it has been approved. However, I’m unsure about the method of obtaining (activating) values from the temperature sensor. The application I’m developing is not intended for distribution on the app store; I’m considering offline use only. How can I utilize the Samsung Health Privileged SDK offline for acquiring temperature sensor data?

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If you are still looking for an answer, could you elaborate a bit further on what do you mean by utilize the Samsung Health Privileged SDK offline ?

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Thank you for your help.
I heard that by connecting online and running the application, the application policy can be downloaded, but I don’t quite understand how it works.
I have submitted a partnership application for the Samsung Health Privileged SDK. However, my application is intended for offline use only, and I did not provide an app link or SHA256 signature. Are the above steps necessary for downloading the app policy?

If your app package name and SHA256 is not registered on the Samsung backend, you will receive an SDK Policy error when your watch app tries to use the Samsung Privileged Health SDK. You can submit your app package name and sha256 using the link Boshra has provided above.

There is an alternate option to use the Privileged Health SDK, which is to enable developer mode. Instructions on how to enable Developer mode are available on the FAQ page of the “Privileged for partners” section on the Samsung Health developer site. You would have access to this page only if you are approved as a partner.

I have successfully accessed the developer mode! Thank you! I need to replace the dummy library(.aar file in the “libs” folder) to measure the actual skin surface temperature, but I am not sure where to obtain the replacement file. Do you know where I can get this file? I couldn’t find it in the partnership dashboard.

The same “Privileged for partners” page has additional code labs which use the real library. You can also use the sample demo app that comes along with the SDK library as reference as well.

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I was able to download the file and retrieve the sensor data! Thank you very much for your kind support!!!