Moderation Timelines for T-Investments App

Hello, Samsung Team!

My name is Anastasia, and I am responsible for the release of the mobile application T-Investments. I have a few questions regarding the moderation process for our app.

  1. We’ve noticed that the moderation process sometimes takes longer than we would like. How can we speed up this process? We would like our app to be available to users within three business days after submitting the build for moderation.
  2. We also want to inform you that we have a new version of the app scheduled for release from December 16 to December 20. We understand that there may be many moderation requests during this time, but it is important for us to complete the process before the New Year holidays. Is there any way to expedite our process this time?

Additionally, could you please let us know how we can best get in touch with you for any further inquiries?

Thank you for your help! I look forward to your response.

Best regards,
Release Manager for T-Investments App

Hello Anastasia,

Sorry for the delayed response, but your message was stuck in the spam queue because you added your email (which has been removed).

Your queries are best answered by the Seller Portal team as we don’t have any insights on the timing of their processes. You can contact the Seller Portal team directly: from Seller Portal, click Help > Contact us, then click Contact us at the Customer Center (near the bottom of the page). If a pop-up with “Did you mean” appears, close the pop-up.