Not able to upload Watch Face Binary (2022-02-17)

Dear, :disappointed_relieved:
Samsung Galaxy Store App Review Team (K)

Not able to upload Watch Face Binary (2022-02-17)
I am trying to upload a Watch Face Binary… your system is not letting me do so.

(We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store)

How do you change to a new APP ID?

Your Watch Face Designer Software auto-generates the ID in our case it given us this ID:

APP ID: “com.watchface.vinyl”

Please, see 2 images of the Watch Face we are trying to upload

■ Information of the reporter

Name: Vision5 Design

Country: India

App Name or App ID (package name), : vinyl Content ID : 000006160069 (vinyl_TW4.tpk)

Developer name(or Official company name)

URL address of the suspected content:


Not able to upload Watch Face Binary (2022-02-17)

I am trying to upload a Watch Face Binary… your system is not letting me do so.


Package ID is already used by other sellers. If you have good faith in infringed copyright, you can contact a customer support agent.


An animated Watch Face is a tribute to the retro Vinyl-era.

What I feel more than infringed copyright, it’s the issue of SAMSUNG EXTRA SECURITY SYSTEM.We have only 1 Laptop running with Watch Face Designer App. and we have 3 different Samsung Seller IDs and only 1 Tizen device to test. So maybe your security system gets confused??? What we intend to do to publish this Watch Face from seller account. but the Laptop is registered with Microsoft ID and Smartwatch is registered with and all 3 email IDs have Samsung Seller accounts.

So please, look into the scenario and resolve the issue.


Vision5 Design

[edit: broken auto-link to has been removed]

■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design

:hot_face:(We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store) :zipper_mouth_face:

Just change the name in GWS build window it is the very first text box. GWS just uses the project name to create the default App ID.

This is not authoritarian it is just has to be unique. Change if from com.watchface.vinyl to com.watchface.vision5vinyl
and resubmit it.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thanks a lot Ron!
You are a blessing. We will do that!

Thanks :grinning:
Vision5 Design

Hi Ron,
This system is making us suffer!
This system is making us suffer!
This system is making us suffer!

Now binary is okay then they have another message.

Please, see the screenshots

and you saying this is not authoritarian???

■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design

:hot_face: (We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store) :zipper_mouth_face:

Should we burn this watch face and delete our account???
We are stupid enough to make a promo video and already posted it on YouTube
Vinyl Watch Face concept and Promo Video on YouTube

:hot_face: :sob: :face_with_head_bandage: :sob: :disappointed_relieved:

LOL, no watch face will work on all of the devices you selected. Gear S? LOL

And why do you need Google mobile services?

Select only the 360x360 and the mean authoritarian system may let you register the binary :slight_smile:

And Ron will provide feeback, but did you sign the pledge to remain a watch face seller?

Hi Redacted,
Thank you for replying!
I am completely new… you can say, newbie… I will try your suggestion to just select 360X360… let’s see. what happens? not very hopeful with this coder-based old type seller store. seem like made for 1998 systems.
Thanks anyway!

Hi Redacted,
its the same story :face_with_head_bandage:

I guess so! but don’t remember exactly… 1st Watch Face I uploaded was in 2017
See the document below:
Watch Face Design by Vision5 Design.pdf (1.5 MB)

Extruded Heart direct link

Link to Watch Face :

[edit: broken auto-link to has been removed]

[edit: broken auto-link to has been removed]

in fact, 1 02 people purchased it as well!
see this screenshot

Should we burn this watch face and delete our account???
:hot_face: :sob: :face_with_head_bandage: :sob: :disappointed_relieved:

Looks like you may not have signed the pledge so you are no longer an approved seller?

And the current application window just closed.

1 Like

Hello, this is the key.
Your privilege to publish watch faces seems to be removed.
When did you publish something last time (or was the first also the last one)? The deadline for signing the pledge was sometime before May 2020.

1 Like

Hi Redacted,
Thanks for replying to me, really appreciate it! :face_with_head_bandage:

This is what is called an authoritarian security system!

:hot_face: (We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store):zipper_mouth_face:

Hi Peter,
Thank you for replying with full reason! :pray:t3: :pensive:

OH, my privilege to publish watch faces has been removed.
:disappointed_relieved: :sob: :disappointed_relieved:
The deadline for signing the pledge was sometime before May 2020.
:hot_face: :exploding_head: :hot_face: :dizzy_face: :woozy_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :face_with_head_bandage:
This is what is called an authoritarian security system!

:hot_face: (We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store) :zipper_mouth_face:

Actually I was tasked with working in unison with the seller portals watch face seller review team regarding closing the watch face designers ecosystem. So I guess I’m the bad guy here.

The number of watch face designers has had a huge growth in the past three years with many new designers were just submitting the same basic watch with a different background or copying other watch designers. Things had to change and a decision was made to close the ecosystem. This has proceeded over the past 24 months in a slow deliberate manner that allowed all leeway possible.

Initially there was a pop up when you signed into the seller portal with an agreement to become a partner. Six months later every watch face seller was send an email informing them they had to sign a pledge they had 3 months or so to sign and return the pledge.

After that if sellers were not active their partnership was removed.

An important clause in the new pledge has to do with each watch designer accepting legal responsibility for plagiarism and IP infringement. To my knowledge so far there has been no exceptions granted for not returning the signed pledge by the due date. Financial motive has not been accepted as a reason for an exception of violating the terms and conditions of the seller portal.

Failure to submit a pledge is a violation of section 3.1 of the terms and conditions agreement of the seller portal.

Section 3.1
In order to access certain Services, you may be required to provide information about yourself as part of the registration process for the Services, or as part of your continued use of the Services.

So this is not authoritarian this was a slow process.

While you can apply for a partnership again not many are accepted.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,
Thank you for a detailed reply! Really appreciate it.
It will be really helpful if you can send me the dates of the emails Samsung Galaxy Store Seller Portal sent to the sellers to sign the pledge. I would like to check my inbox to see the facts you have just described.
When Samsung can send random promo emails I am sure they should have sent this crucial information via email to the developers

That will be a great help!
Thank you once again Ron!
■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design

Hi Ron, :face_with_head_bandage:
Please, see the attached PDF document for a little more insight into my situation.

Watch Face Design by Vision5 Design.pdf (1.5 MB)

Should we burn this watch face and delete our account???

We are stupid enough to make a promo video and already posted it on YouTube
Vinyl Watch Face concept and Promo Video on YouTube :clapper:

:hot_face: :sob: :face_with_head_bandage: :sob: :disappointed_relieved:

■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design

:hot_face: (We are really frustrated by now with such an authoritarian security system. No wonder developers avoid putting apps on Galaxy Store and Tizen dying a slow death) :zipper_mouth_face:

It looks like your Extruded Heart is considered a Watch App not a Watch Face, did you make it with Tizen Studio? I don’t see any clock in the store images. So you could upload that as a Watch App. App developers without time components are not required to have Watch Face Seller partnership.
Your Vinyl Watch face does have a clock component.

If you were not a watch face seller but an App seller you may not have gotten any notices.

A notification that you needed to agree online was sent out in May 9, 2019
A notification that you needed to download a pledge sign and submit it was sent out about a year later on April 19th, 2020 and needed to be received by May 29th,2020

My advise is to just sell it on Wear OS and not Tizen platform Watch Faces Or rework it so that shows when music is playing with no time.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,
Does that mean I should be uploading it to a Watch App ART Category?

■ Signature:
Vision5 Design

I would try if you are using Tizen Studio, but it will check to see if it displays time and reject it.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,
Thanks for letting me know the email notice sent out dates.

Though, when checked my inbox I couldn’t find any email carrying this crucial information from Samsung Galaxy Store Seller Portal

Please, see the screen captures! :point_down:t3:
May 9th 2019

April 19th 2020

May 29th 2020

So the fact is we are Watch App Seller, not a Watch Face Seller
That means Watch Face is not an App, Then what should it be called?
a clear definition may help my understanding. an App is downloaded and the watch face is…???
I am clueless about the terminology here.

Any way
Regards and Respect!
I am completely exhausted… I give up. Being an Artist is SIN… that’s why God is punishing me.
These long discussions have increased my heart palpitations, anxiety, and panic attacks.
Depression in itself can cripple you if it’s coupled with Social phobias, Ergo phobias, anxiety, and panic attacks. It’s painful… really- really painful. :disappointed_relieved::cry::sob:
It’s like a zombie-type game scene… you are all alone and a crowd of zombies attacking together at you. It’s a चक्रव्यूह type situation.
May God give me the strength to crack this चक्रव्यूह।:white_heart::pray:t3: God bless everyone!

Ron, You may not know but some friends of mine suggested that engage yourself in something creative to distract from your conditions… create art… show your talent… but I guess GOD is angry with me… that’s why a simple upload is denied. It’s not you, not the store but GOD.

■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design

Hi Ron,
Just happen to check Extruded Heart is a Watch Face!

See the images I just clicked from my phone after putting on the Extruded HeartWatch Face.
Regular View

Always on Display View

Also please, see the actual video taken via my phone applying the watch face on my watch. :point_down:t3:

and this one just for feel and the promo:

[Q] did you make it with Tizen Studio?
[A] I used Watch Face Design Studio.

[Q] I don’t see any clock in the store images.
[A] Please see it in the video which I have shared… or simply download it and check it for yourself.

So basically you want to reject it?
why don’t you ask the testing approval team in your office? I am sure there is a database for every approved Watch Face.
Here are the details for your convenience:

1.0.0 (2017.11.28)

Size705.36 KB

No expiration date

Seller info
Seller: Vision5 Design

May God help me, you and everyone!
■ Signature: :sob:
Vision5 Design