Phone battery level

How do I get the phone battery level on my watch face. I also want to add the Sun rise and Sun set times on my watch face.

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Presumably you mean to make it yourself . The Tag for Battey is [BATT_PER] you put that in the Text Field of a text layer . You will see the Progress Bars have a field for Value put that Tag there .
As for SR SS you will have to include a customisable complication and get the AMOLED tools collection . WFS does not have SR SS on board .

Thanks for the answer. The BATT_PER tag is for the watch and not the phone. I went back from my Samsung watch 7 to my Samsung watch 6. There I can use my Facer faces again. WFS should at least be able to display the battery level of your phone. But there are many more that should have been there a long time ago!

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Hi WFS is very limited with the data to insert in the watchfaces you create. I normally use the wearos Toolset app (paid) to have other complications without problems.

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Ha Ha . I am so very sorry . I missed phone . The same toolset I mentioned has the Phone battery level . You will have to play with a Custom Complication to show it . My apologies for that . If you want help with those I will make a test for you .

I’ve been playing with the toolsets. It doesn’t give me a satisfied result. I want the phone level with color. 100-75 green, 75-50 yellow, 50-25 orange. 25-0 red. I don’t make beautiful faces, but practical ones for me. So far I have been able to translate my Facer face to wfs. Unfortunately, quite a few tags are missing to top it off. But the phone level is very important to me. So I hope it will be included. Shouldn’t be that difficult. More reluctance.

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Nice Faces . Yes Facer has som better Tags . Unless you speak to AMOLED there is no way to pass his data tovWFS as far as I know .
You can get a number and may be a Ranged Value . You might be able to use that I don’t know . Speak to him .
BTW I make on Facer . I don’t recognise you right now . (1.1 MB)
Hi hansniekus try to take a look at the photo I shared with you. There are colors as you say. On the left the phone battery level and on the right the watch battery level. I’ll send you a part of the watchface where you will find the example with which I made it. I hope it helps you. Obviously download the zip file and then delete the zip extension to open it in wfs.

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I haven’t been very active on the forum. Tried to figure everything out on my own.
Have published a few Facer faces. Most have been deleted again. There’s one left.

Thanks for the example. This is also an opportunity to use colors.
I just need to figure out how to set the colors of the colorsweep. Or can you copy a Circle Complication?
The wearos Toolset app is free.

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@hansniekus . Nice Face . I like your little SR SS gadget . Sadly I can not sync it because I will not pay for premium . I show you the front of my private Face . There is also a data back with the weather and stuff .

@Mayalona Thank you very much for showing the colour sweep thing . I have not seen that before . These Working examples are gold dust .

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You have to give it the starting and ending colors, then you decide how many intermediate colors to insert. It’s easier to do than to explain. The wearos tool app is paid but it’s worth having on the watch.

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I hope it’s useful for everyone, in any case it’s among the examples already inserted in WFS.

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I must look at the examples . They get pushed to the bottom of my Workspace .

Got the color sweep working. Unfortunately, there is only room for one progress bar in my face. But at least Phone level is now also available and in color. Thanks for the example


hansniekus (454.1 KB)
Then try this method that I attached. In this case it is not necessary to have a complication.

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Works! But how?
What I originally wanted was the Phone level number to change color. 0-25 red. 25-50 orange. 50-75 yellow. 75-100 green. This takes up little space on a face and is simple and clear.

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hansniekus (158.7 KB)
Then try this method

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I already do that on my face for the watch level. Look at my examples. But for the phone level I also wanted to fit that into the current face. So that’s where the sweep bar is now.

The colors are wrong! It’s because of the photo

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Now I understand what you mean. I suggest you prepare 100 bitmap fonts of numbers ranging from 0 to 25 in red, from 26 to 50 in orange, from 51 to 75 in yellow and from 76 to 100 in green. Then in the complication text select the bitmap text and insert the numbers one by one in correspondence with their number. This way they will be displayed in the color you need.

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