Remote Test Lab connect to local Android Studio


I want to connect Galaxy S20 from remote lab to my local Android Studio for debuging.
When I use

adb connect localhost:Port

I get the failure:
failed to connect to localhost

Firewall for given port is open

Does this work or what is wrong with my installation?


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How did you get the Port?

There is an option on the RTL to get the port. Right click the on RTL device. You will get an option called Remote Bridge.


Yes, get the port on that way. Then I configure my firewall on that port but no connection possible.
RTL Client runs as good as it can.

Any ideas?

What are you getting with below command?

adb devices

Localhost: unauthorized

That’s all…

You need to accept RSA Authorization Key from the dialog. After running adb connect command, please have a look on the device screen and accept the dialog.

Thank you

I’m sorry, but main screen shows nothing. Screen timeout is also very low and connection to devices is often not possible and credits gone lost

Please check this

Thanks, deleting key files solved my problems.

Many thanks

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