I am developing a app which needs to picks photo, I have seen photos watchface to choose photo from gallery, I want to achieve something like that , I am starting the activity like this
.apply {
startActivityForResult(this, REQUEST)
And tring to get the result like this
override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
if (requestCode==REQUEST){
if (resultCode== RESULT_OK){
val image = ImageDecoder.decodeBitmap(
contentResolver, data!!.data!!
).scale(450, 450)
saveBitmap(blurbitmap(image), EXTRA_BLUR_BACKGROUND)
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
This code starts the activity but after selecting picture a toast shows “unable to save cropped picture”
Any idea how to choose picture?
This is not a Samsung Tools or SDK question and should be asked in a Android or Wear Developer forum. I assume this is Wear from your scale size.
Galaxy Watch6 image size is 480 x 480 that might be the reason you get the error but only a guess on my part. 
Samsung Developer Relations
I am using Samsung galaxy watch 4
Bad guess on my part. Did you try the Reddit Wear Developer community?
Samsung Developer Relations
Try this documentation for photo picker with Jet Pack that is the best I can come up with.
This isn’t the right forum for Android Wear issues. I will have to close the topic soon
Samsung Developer Relations
Doesn’t work on wear os , Samsung’s gallery is only choice but idk about the way to get result
@amoledwatchfaces may help shed some light.
He has a photo complication that you can used and when u select that as the complication it allow u to push photos into the watch face.
From watch or phone is needed?
Hi. You need to request proper permissions (MEDIA_STORAGE) to access watch internal storage / photos.
Be sure to follow API 33+ specific documentation as all GWs are now running Wear OS 4.
Grant partial access to photos and videos | Android Developers
You will also need to handle this in your own “Gallery-like” activity. (maybe use Coil?)
Okay thanks, that means there’s no way to use galaxy watch gallery app I guess