Response for my submission

Good day!

I am developing an app for Samsung Smart TV and it requires Content Managers contact to request a partnership.

I initiated an 1:1 Q&A couple days back waiting on a response. I am on a time crunch to launch the app to stores in next few days. Any help you can offer is appreciated. If you could provide me contact for my local content manager it would be really appreciated.

I have also submitted app for Beta Test but it is still under status ‘Beta Test Under Approval’ from a couple of days, Could you please provide insights into where the approval process might be encountering delays?

AppId: [Deleted] - Ron

We see this a lot because the documentation implies that you put it in Beta testing as part of the application process but you don’t have to do that, and Shouldn’t In the Distributing Guide

Note You cannot submit a version submitted for a beta or alpha test as a release version. We plan on supporting so that it can be possible later.

So cancel your app and submit a new one with a higher version number.

Also you do not need to contact an agent in the UK once your content during the application process you will be assigned a content manager. Once it has been tested and ready for launch you can request to have a country added.

That note in the documentation is for those that already a contact with Samsung.

Samsung Developer Relations

I have uploaded and submitted different versions for both Beta Testing and Release, but unfortunately, there have been no status updates for the past 3-4 days. This situation is causing concern, especially given the tight launch timeline. Additionally, there has been no response to my 1:1 Q&A inquiry.

Could you please help me understand why both the Beta Testing and Release versions seem to be stuck in the approval process?

Your assistance to this issue is highly appreciated, as it directly impacts the timely release of the app.

What is your content ID I can look that up and see who is your content manager. I can’t look them up by name only the content number.

Samsung Developer Relations

I was able to look at the unedited message and get your number, I’ll look into this and contact you by private message

Samsung Developer Relations