Run On Device - problem

I just changed the type to text. That seems to work just fine.

While im in wireless debugging and allowed that. I see the ip and the port, but when i press pairing new device the port changes. I dont know what port i shall use. Also i cant find the pairing port what is that?

Self explanatory

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@lgk10usb please zip the files up and post directly if you want to share here…external link make it unsafe.

Can you please guide me how did you install it with cmd.exe i dont understand codinf language at all. Can you tell me step my step procedure for that.

Welcome to this forum.

You can download the Watch Face Studio from here. You may check this blog also. Could you please share which type of issues are you facing when you try to deploy using Run on device?

To use the Watch Face Studio, you don’t need coding language.

Thank you.